Good Evening Team!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Vblade, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Vblade

    Vblade New Fapstronaut

    Hope you guys are having a good evening. I'm new to NoFap, joined today. I've done a lot of changing the past month, dietary, physical, alcohol intake. The one thing I haven't really made an adjustment to is pornography, and how much I actually invest into it.

    When I take a step back, I can tell you there are 3 things I've lost plenty of when it comes to porn.
    - Time (Spending countless hours browsing a porn stash, checking websites, trying to find the next best thing to get me off at that time)
    - Control (Showing up to work late because I had to FAP before I went in, ED during intercourse, etc...)
    - Money (Subscriptions, impulse purchases to fulfill a temporary need)

    I'm going hard mode these next 30 days. Could use some advice. I know deleting the porn folder is probably going to be step 1...but there is a lot of time invested into the collection. I'm talking about 1.5TB. Any encouragement could make it easier, also I'm looking to delete all porn-related bookmarks/cookies/remembered passwords and site suggestions. What should I do browser-related to kill the temptation? I've also seen the suggestions regarding the emergency FAP prevention through bookmarking the sticky, and I'm a fan of that.

    Hope to hear from you guys. Thanks.