Global energy source for our future

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Hard gainer, Nov 30, 2017.

Energy source 2117

  1. Solar

  2. Current nuclear reactor technology

  3. Throium nuclear reactor

  4. Fusion reactors

  5. Unconventional power source

    0 vote(s)
  6. Other new technology

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    Guy I was watching a video on YouTube about fusion reactor technology.
    After watching the video I was wondering what would be technology which will be powering our globe after 100 years. Today major source for energy is from Fossil fuel. But our fossil fuel will not last for 100 years according to studies. Also they are causing harm to earth. So it is for sure that we must find some other energy source for our future. But what would be that.
    I thought of knowing what people think about that. So I am starting a thread on this topic. You can write your Guess. Also write a reason why you are thinking so.
    I have also attached a poll with some of the technology which I know.
  2. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    Among these the most fascinating for me is fusion reactor. It is almost like creating a miniature sun. And it can provide a large amount of energy source. Unlike current nuclear reactor thechnology it is not harmful. Also it is less polluting.
  3. Good thing I read the thread - I was just going to click the Report button and call it spam, because I thought the title sounded like what a spammer would use. :D

    I hope we'll be smart enough to get to Thorium reactors or some currently unknown and even better technology.
    Hard gainer likes this.
  4. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    Haha....yes that appears like spammer title. Now I have edited the title.
    Thorium reactor has great scope. But I don't know why developed countries are not investing enough money over it.
  5. Because it's nuclear and therefore the enviro-weenies won't have it.
  6. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    People are still not aware maybe.
    Thorium reactors are not much harmful like conventional light water reactor. Also thorium can't be used for making nuclear weapons. Also waste management is easy. It just take 200 years to decompose waste unlike thousand of years for uranium. When you see in big picture it is far more safer than fossile fuel. Hope changes come soon for gud
  7. Zestria

    Zestria Fapstronaut

    Reactors are good as long as the negative doesn't outweigh the production. I think that solar power is a good idea, considering it is the most abundant resource known to mankind. Yes, the panels may look bad, but who's on top of your house staring at them?
  8. Hard gainer

    Hard gainer Fapstronaut

    Hope we develop efficient panals to harvest maximum energy and an effictive way to recycle them when they are out of service.
    Only challenge with solar power is that it is available only on day time when sun bright without clouds. If we manage to develope cost efficient battery technology to save power for night times, then solar would be the best choice for our future.
    Zestria likes this.
  9. There is also development into geothermal energy which I believe can be dangerous to everyone on the planet, reason I voted fusion reactor even though we are not even close yet I believe in the technology, even though I might never get to see it working, they done some successful testing but its not a viable source of energy.
  10. Nasagy

    Nasagy Fapstronaut

    I don't know much about some of the energy sources mentioned above but I guess solar would be the main source of energy in the future, especially in Africa, some of the villages are already powered by solar panels. But I know solar panels are not always reliable and only work when the sun is out. The world is rapidly changing so we might see other new technology that would tick every box that current sources of energy don't.
  11. Most don't know, and the environmentalists don't care. They just hate nuclear.
  12. Peaceful thoughts

    Peaceful thoughts New Fapstronaut

    Here's the thing. While I agree that humanity does have an impact on the environment with the fossil fuels we use, I don't think we'll be able to transition to green energy unless two things happen:
    1. Green energy must become more efficient
    2. People have to become less demanding and more accepting of power outages and the cost associated with green energy.

    And one last thing, if Al Gore truly wishes to fix the climate change ( which he keeps on saying in his movies) he will need to invest his own money ( he's quite wealthy) in green energy projects in local communities.
    Solar panels aren't cheap and installing them isn't cheap either.
    He could improve his Public relations and his own image if he were to pay for solar panels and installation in communities that are in poverty/ families who are in poverty and low income.
    If He has done this already, I apologize and would like to read any links that can be provided on the subject.