Giving this a try...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Rob595, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Rob595

    Rob595 New Fapstronaut

    So I've been struggling with porn for at least 10 years now, and have tried to quit numerous times, but once I came across Gary Wilson's Your Brain on Porn and realized how it is affecting all parts of my life I've really tried to make some changes. Unfortunately any time I seem to get a streak going I keep relapsing. The thing is I notice real positive changes the more I abstain and this gives me motivation to keep going, yet I keep faltering. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Wanted to join this community since I come here on and off and read some great stuff.
  2. Paul Dyson

    Paul Dyson Fapstronaut

    Welcome friend!

    Thanks for sharing, I can relate very strongly. I also have been struggling with porn for about 10 years. It sucks!

    It's great that you are trying to make changes to your life. What changes have you tried? Why do you think you keep relapsing?
  3. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    Good luck, brother. Be careful & your first try might be the only try.
    In my opinion the 1st try has a much greater change to become a long lasting streak.

    Hit the 90!
  4. Rob595

    Rob595 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, it's amazing how a little support goes a long way, I feel a lot more resolved already.

    So besides a bigger commitment to quitting porn, I've started meditating, taking cold showers, and cutting out internet distractions that a lot of times would lead me to porn. I have to say that meditation is really big for me, when I go without it for a few days I start slipping up more. The main thing that usually gets me to relapse is just getting frustrated and overwhelmed in the moment, and I think I have made porn something that I turn to to relieve the stress. I read in Gary Wilson's book that this a common thing that can happen as your brain cells wire in such a way to create these pathways that you are later drawn to in times of stress, but this can be undone over time so that is what I am trying to do.