Girls on the Bus

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Marcus Aurelius, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Don't listen to this. Do ask a girl you don't know, she might become your wife. Yes the fail rate will be higher, but more rewarding. It's tuff i've done it and failed, but not impossible.
  2. Gab238

    Gab238 Fapstronaut

    There is something that you can do to avoid "debating with yourself" I'm not sure what is its call in english but in spanish is named "la regla de los 3 segundos" or "The 3 seconds rule". The thing: once you see a girl that attract you, you must talk to her in the next three seconds, and it's something like this:

    *You see the girl (once you see her the timer starts)*

    *Step to her the fastest you can (I´m not telling you to run)*

    *And say something (no matter what you say, just say something, like "Hi, nice dress/shoes/or whatever, and then ask an open question)*

    If you think more than three seconds, forget it, that girl is not for you.

    This rule was created to avoid those debates with yourself and just get in action. Because when you start to think what to say or how beautiful she is, you are making the job harder than if you just go and talk to her.

    Note: Don´t worry if she reject you, there many other girls on this planet.
  3. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Worst that can happen is she screams and the bus driver gets spooked and runs off the road and everyone dies.
    Just go for it.