Girl I like has a boyfriend

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by awakenow, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. awakenow

    awakenow Fapstronaut

    So basically there is this girl that I'm moderately attracted to. I am not super crushing on her or anything, but she has a personality that I can connect with and she is physically attractive to me. We have not known each other for too long but we became fast friends. Anyway, I like her a bit but she has a boyfriend. I am not the type of person to pursue a girl who is already he seems like a really awesome dude based on her descriptions of him. I want to be at peace with this and move on.

    I guess the question is whether I should even continue to talk to her or not! I feel like I might continue to have something of an attraction to her, so it can be a bit painful for me at times. But I also enjoy spending time with her as a friend! I am debating on whether I should keep being friends with her or drop the friendship altogether for peace of mind. Any thoughts?
  2. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    Based on the few details you gave, I'm guessing that you are very young. I know it might seem like it's painful, but probably the best thing would be for you to practice putting her off limits in your mind. If you get along as friends, keep hanging out. Get to know her boyfriend too. Maybe see if they can set up up with someone else.

    But if you feel the crush start to get too heavy, be very careful.

    I recently had a situation with one of my best friends in the world. We dated briefly, broke up, stayed friends. She got a new boyfriend, and I was OK with that at first, but I started to really fall hard for her. I eventually confessed my feelings to her, but I should have way sooner. Now her boyfriend is pissed at me, and she feels like she can't open up the way she used to.
    Gladiatori likes this.
  3. awakenow

    awakenow Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply and your insight! I do agree that I must put her off limits in my mind. And thats what I worry about! Right now, the attraction is not too heavy a burden, but it is still a slight nagging feeling. I have not revealed to her that I like her and I feel that I have done a good job at hiding it so far. Plus I have limited myself to only talking to her once a week. But I hope it does not get out of hand. To be honest, I am 22 but I have not experienced any good relationships with girls. I was in one relationship more than a year ago and the girl I was with was abusive. So I'm worried that maybe I'm subconsciously needy and I'm just getting attached to this new girl. I have been trying to do self-love practices along with nofap and other things to improve upon myself but its so hard! I understand that this stuff takes time and practice but man I'm getting impatient!

    Wow your situation sounds pretty intense! I think its understandable that you would confess your feelings. One can only hold in their emotions for so long. But yeah I can see where it would cause tension in the friendship as well as with her boyfriend. I hope things manage to work out for you!
  4. 2 answers and I am 38.

    1 I have never known or met a girl that are friends with a guy they are not attracted to nor se e the guy as an alternative if their boyfriend leaves.

    2. Women can stick a knife in their female friends back for a man but men doesn't do that. It is an unwritten law that you don't hit on nor date another mans girl. Not even If they have broken up.

    Don't be an asshole, walk away directly.

    Don't be an asshole, don't tell her that you like her. If you do then you hit on her and also break the law
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  5. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    I wish everyone were so honorable around my country. Pretty much all women are fair game as long as you don't mind destroying a family or losing some karma.
  6. Franky

    Franky Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry but the best thing you can do is leave her alone. Just ignore her and let her be with her bf. It looks like you are friendzoned. Only way out of it is if she cheats on her bf with you. Only way this girl will get feelings for you is if youre somewhat good looking and she is attracted to you. I've been in the friendzone but have gotten out many times cuz the girl thought I was attractive but laget got pissed cuz she cheated on her bf for me. I highly suggest you leave and not make her wanna cheat or worse....her end up hating u. I highly suggest you leave
  7. Franky

    Franky Fapstronaut

    Agreed unless the guy is really good looking and she finds him attractive is the only way she will cheat on her bf
  8. awakenow

    awakenow Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the advice! Luckily my feelings for her have decreased...possibly due to stress and other factors. I don't want her to cheat on her boyfriend for me. I was in a position once in which I was the one who was almost cheated on. Not very fun. I will wish them the best.