Girl advice?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by TB4, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    I will leave it up to you to figure it out.
  2. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    In my case maybe it's the big age difference,but im guessing you mean it for everything and everyone,so am I never gonna find out?
  3. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    Think about it this way: what kind of a forum is it?
    Right. Do you think people on this forum will give you good advice regarding what you are asking about?
  4. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I am starting university in October, I am 17 and I had some experiences with girls this summer (first kiss, second kiss). I want to experience more of that. What should I do? I will surely prioritize my studies, but I might still need some love in my life. Maybe I should try to find some balance.
  5. We'll focus on your studies, and in the free time, if you get time to spend with a girl... Do it. No issues there. As long as you can afford it, it's good.

    I said it to the OP because he said he wanted to be like some popular guy. (And popular guys spend almost all their time on useless clout stuff.) So if he tried to copy him, he might end up sabotaging his studies/career in long run.
    Αλέξανδρος likes this.
  6. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    Okay that makes sense,but the advice im getting right now fits right in with everything I've learned from elsewhere so i'd like to say it works
  7. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    Here in the east the "popular guy" has a different definition, he's the man who scores the best, gets awards in athletics ,has girls left and right crushing on him, he's every teachers favourite and he's also appointed as the head boy (the highest rank a student can get) ik its exaggerated but that's the sterotype
  8. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    What exactly did you learn?
    People are so different from one another that no matter what someone told you about girls, it might simply not be true.
    Unless you tested that knowledge and have real results you cannot say that lol.
  9. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    You want everyone to love you, basically.
    Nothing wrong with that, however there isn't several things that you can do that will turn you that way overnight.
    It takes a certain mentality to take care of yourself, do certain things naturally and to also not shy away from people when you want to connect with someone to actually shine among everybody else.
    What you also need to understand that people that are still in schools are not always mature. So how to be popular depends largely on them. I honestly don't know them so I won't tell you if striving to be popular among that bunch is a good idea or not. Because obviously if they are childish then aspiring to be popular among them is meh. If however you are in school full of mature people then striving to be like them is the most ambitious thing to work towards. In other words, it depends.

    I will now tell you something I wish someone told me when I was your age.
    The way I like to think is: "In the ideal world, what would I like everyone else to be like?", and then do my damnest to be that way myself.
    That change didn't happen overnight and personally would not get me the status of the popular guy at school, simply because I wouldn't care, as I have bigger fish to fry, but would make my life so much easier later down the line.
    What it does also is that you stop concerning yourself with people who are way too far away from that "ideal" of yours, however you realise what you actually value in other people and can focus on connecting with them without wasting your time on someone with who you won't click anyway.
    For instance, if you are like me you would say that in the ideal world all girls would be smart because A, B and C. So then you know for certain that you are not going to concern yourself with these girls that smoke weed, skip classes, or have no idea at all what to do in their lives, because well they are not even trying to reach the ideal that you yourself have set in mind, right?
    Or guys. Personally I think being open and friendly by default is a very good trait to have, but not being a coward and standing up for yourself at the same time goes a long way. So in the ideal world, all guys would be that way, because A, B and C. Now that that is out of the way, I know for sure that this guy over there that is a ducking asshole is not someone I want to impress or be friends with right? But hey, there is that group of guys that seem like a nice bunch, so I will try and mingle with them.

    I hope you can grasp the concept. It helped me in life a lot and I wish someone told me that when I was your age, but of course you do you.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
  10. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    take care of your style/diet/body be confident and everything I already knew
  11. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    I get your point and I think 'popular' wasn't the word I was going for I had the word 'all rounder' in my mind but I chose to use popular instead, "you'll attract what you are" is what I believe,I meant to be involved in as many things as possible and generally be amazing xD be good at studies/sports/extra curricular activities maybe unreasonable but that's my plan
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
  12. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    And what exactly is the point of that?
    I mean, are you interested in these studies, sports and what not, or would you do them only for the sake of being popular? If so, why?
  13. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    Its a bit of both, im definately interested in sports and extra curricular stuff,and studies im gonna have to do no matter what,if im getting an extra bonus why not? About doing it for being popular,not really since most people are "immature" but i guess I'm doing it for finding more people,the more stuff i do the more people im gonna meet and the more people im gonna know and therefore the more people that are gonna know me,and that in turn is the definition of being popular right?
  14. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    I asked because I too am interested in sports, but those done at schools were not one of them. The only reason I would do them was to look cool among others at school, which looking back to it was a waste of time. If that's true for you too then I would advise to only do sports you would genuinely like to do even 20 years from now and purely for fun, rather than something people would admire me for. Because why would you do something when you would rather do something else right.
    Other than that I get what you are trying to do. Basically trying to give yourself more opportunities to meet new people. I can't say there is anything wrong with that. Just don't fall into the trap of doing things just because that's what everyone else is doing. I myself fell victim to that and I can't say I don't wish I could go back in time :p
    Right. And bear in mind that no matter how popular you would ever become, these friendships might not translate into out of school relationships, and as soon as you all finish school, no one will care about you anymore. Because contrary to popular belief, friends are rarely for life.
  15. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    I know that once school ends its not gonna be worth anything,the friends,the social status etc,but i'll atleast leave knowing i got everything the school had to offer
  16. Gladiator1903

    Gladiator1903 Fapstronaut

    The school was there to offer studies and friends are always worth it just make sure your friendships are healthy
    TB4 likes this.
  17. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    Will try my best.