getting to sleep...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by woodcutter, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. woodcutter

    woodcutter Fapstronaut

    So last night, I M and O didn't P though for the first time in like a month, so I guess that's something. the problem is I can't seem to sleep with out it , It got to be like 2.30 am and I just thought I needed to in order to be able to operate today....any advice on this?
  2. Dante's Shadow

    Dante's Shadow Fapstronaut

    Take some melatonin. Read a book (not using an electronic device that you could access porn with).

    Exercise so that you are more tired. Wake up earlier in the morning so that you are more tired at night.

    Don't fool yourself by saying that you need PM or O.

    Best of luck, man. You can do this!
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem and indeed tiring yourself is the only way. If you are not asleep in 20 min just get up and work on your goals (if you don't have ones set them). You could meditate also just by taking deep breaths and focusing your mind only on them. Personally chamomile tea helps me for insomnia. You can try that also.