Gaming addiction

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. Well, there are games that may be designed to get people to spend, but the majority of games are just another form of entertainment and aren't inherently bad.

    Ive been gaming since I was 8 so I grew up with them, and over the years I slowly realised I play too much (which is why I cut back). It's up to the person playing but I'd say you don't need to quit them, if you can establish a healthy relationship and timeframe surrounding them. They've also been an incredible help getting me over illnesses, painful recoveries and other sorts of difficulties in my life, so I'm thankful for that as well especially being an introvert.

    I'd recommend trying to cut back on them and have timers set, so you can get out of the impulsive behaviour and into a routine of specific times you can play. If you actually truly want to stop then you're going to have to sell your consoles and get ready for cold turkey, because there's not much else you can do about it if you're that negatively affected by it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    My solution is not buying anymore games and wrapping up whatever I´ve left.

    Got into Kotor and few single player ones, but I´m not going back to Multiplayer post ps3 games never.
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