Fuck games no more!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 24, 2021.

Do games have a bad inpact on your overal mood?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Afther a certain period of time

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  1. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    To my understanding that passion is driven by purpose or the drive to achieve something, and in that regard, games are even worse than porn, as they prey on that motivation.

    They take you passion away from real stuff into fake virtual goals.
    Aléxandros and anselem like this.
  2. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i feel the opposite, i feel like games has kept my flame of motivation always on fire, even in the darkest of hours - they have been the lighthouse that shows me some pure essence of life i can think.

    when i felt shit from porn, i always tried to remember how games felt so good before i had porn.

    overall, the claim against games are not that it's ruining you brain or your health, but it simply spends a lot of time, and makes you less productive and your wife will be angry at you. - and i am not denying it.

    so i think, if i will be rich one day, i will play games, but until than, i will spend my time better so i can make money.

    on the other hand, if i will be rich, i will never see porn or take drugs, because that's really fucking me up.

    see the difference ?
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  3. For a lot of people, porn and games have a lot in common. When you are addicted to something, there is a disparity between wanting to do it and enjoying that thing. A porn addict might not want to jerk off every day, but they keep doing it because they enjoy it and feel like they are unable to quit. The same is true for gaming addicts: we don't want to spend 12 hours a day gaming, but we keep doing it because nothing is more enjoyable for us. Being able to distinguish a healthy hobby from an unhealthy obsession is important.
  4. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah I see it alright

    Apply to every game, hahahaha this guy is genious.
    baba_yaga_ likes this.
  5. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut


    can you give me direct links ? i can't open it
  6. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

  7. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    gaming is much harder, if not impossible, to detect a problem.

    in porn - it's super easy: you orgasm way too much, and the body respond to it in unhealthy way (it can't produce so much sperm at the level the porn user is spending it), the porn user loses heat from his body, and eventually even get the very clear sign that something is wrong: ED.

    so it's easy to understand after a while that something is wrong, no problem.

    but gaming ? how the hell can you find out that something is wrong: you click, you move, you explore, you are having fun, and now imagine you come to this person in the middle of him gaming and say ''you know what ? you actually do bad stuff !''

    the gamer will not understand what you want from him: is he spending too much time ? yeah... but his body tells him: ''it's good keep going''.

    in porn, the body tells him ''its good keep going'' until orgasm, but after orgasm, it tells you ''i am depressed and feel like hell''.

    so even if such theory of ''gaming is bad'' is possible, you have no way to prove it to the gamer.
  8. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut


    You can't spell steal without ea

    I only read the comments, i can't see youtube because i only give myself 3 hours of youtube a day, i will see it tomorrow.
  9. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Until he realizes how much time he had wasted in his life, and jeez, that's a rough one, and that he is not even a 1% of what he could be, and as accomplished not even a 1% of what he could have accomplished, but hei, LOOOK AT THIIS AARMOR, NEW SET, WOWHOHOOII, MY NEW TANK IS SUPER BADASS, IT CAN SHOOT AT 999.9 CANONBALLS PER MANA POINT WOAH...


    As I said earlier in this thread, if you are going to do it, at least stream or make youtube and try to get some monetary benefict from it, if you are lucky of course, otherwise, is just a complete waste of time.

    But I like it, it turns my dopamine mental dick solid rock bro, and is not bad for my body!
    (Tell that to a truckdriver, or anyone aware of how bad long-periods of sitting are)

    Anyway, everyone have a fix, that's life.
  10. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut


    but what if THIS is what he wanted ?

    i mean, who gave you the authority to decide what is ''meaning full'' ? you say that gaming < being a famous doctor, says who ? you ?

    will the doctor get more social recognition ? yes, but is that important ? i have no idea.

    you will be suprised how much life is similiar to gaming, i mean - WOHOO LOOK AT MY SPORTS CAR, IT GIVES ME 10 DEXTERITY, 10 STRENGTH AND 10+ CHARISMA WITH WOMAN.
  11. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    the only way to truly make a gamer understand that he is doing something wrong, is by convincing him that the feeling he feels while playing is X, and the feeling he will feel while in real life is 2X.

    i myself think that it's a tie X: X , of gaming versus real life.
  12. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    And that's why we are here as porn addicts hahahaha Fake and Real will NEVER NEVER, be a tie, be it sex, be it swordmanship, being it ride a tank, IT WILL NEVER BE A TIE.
  13. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    not true, for example: i know for a fact that the life i had before i watched porn was much more richer and fun, like 100X more, that's why i fight so hard against it, because i remember how it was to be a gamer without even knowing porn = pure happiness.

    so if someone will prove me that life without porn AND gaming is much more richer, fun and fulfilling, or even plant a doubt in the ability of gaming to make me happy - that will convince me in the long run to abandon gaming completely.
    Aléxandros likes this.
  14. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Sure it is, just the fact that you need proof when most people live happily and have many other enriching activities in their lifes is just the proof that you addicted to it, when is basically a waste of time in the long run.

    But anyway, keep living into fantasy world, getting fantasy money, doing fantasy stuff and achieving fantasy goals.

    Then you will wake up be a like, OH BOY, how many hours of wasted time was that? I mean nowdays you can make money while gaming, if you ain't doing that, you are literally missing the only productive upside it may have in your life on the long run, and just wasting your life away.

    Just change games for porn and porn for heroin in that phrase hahahaha convince me! convince me! that's an addict talking right there mate.
  15. evenprincehaveproblems

    evenprincehaveproblems Fapstronaut

    i KNOW gaming was fun for me, true fun.

    i just explain to you how it works - any activity, no matter how fun it is, is always subject to review, and if some conditions are met, it will be abandoned.

    and don't think for a moment that some married guy out there that eats crap from his wife and having bad times, don't have this thought of ''oh god, what the hell i got myself into, i wish i was back into [some hobby]''
  16. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    i KNOW porn was fun for me, true fun lmao, i KNOW x or x drug was fun for me, true fun...

    The bottom part it's totally unrelated. Don't eat crap, period.

    Let me put it in simple terms, games = waste of time if you ain't getting any income from them.
    Because is a fake life, in a fake world, or a fake whatever the kind of game you happen to play.
    But it's just fake, in the meantime, your real life is flying away, and you are doing much less than you could do with it.

    You are literally throwing YEARS down the windows, my breaking point was when I checked like, ok so a year has about 5800 usable hours, I spent playing this game 6000+ hours....so basically I thrown to the trash more than one year worth of my life in a fake world...

    It takes about 10.000 hours to master any skill...I could be almost an expert on whatever, but no, I'm just the same person, with a piece of trash virtual character, super skilled at playing, and it has been 2 years since I played that game, and have no intention to get back to it, so basically.... wasted.

    Get real, you are wasting your life away, it's enjoyable? SURE IT IS, so is drugs, so is porn....
  17. You have to have fun somehow. I don’t think there is anything wrong with games as long as they aren’t effecting your job/income. If you are happy with work and your income then you should be able to have normal hobbies. They shouldn’t have negative effects like pmo. I play games and watch tv don’t see a problem with either
    Aléxandros likes this.
  18. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    Yeah, but you're replacing a naddiction with another addiction, a bad habit, with another bad habit.
    Not the smartest strategy.
  19. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    It's your dopamine receptors that determine what you find fun or not.
    Once they are fixed, even a book or a small talk with friends become fun, even a lonely walk in nature, trust me.
    anselem likes this.
  20. You completely misrepresented all of my positions.