For You Fucks Who Do Any Sorts Of Edging/Bullshitting

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mister Fire, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    "Can I masturbate but without porn ?"
    "Can I only watch porn without masturbating ?"
    "Can I just edge/masturbate without orgasming (with or without porn) ?"
    "Can I just trigger myself with porn-subs/arousing pictures and videos on social media ?"
    "Can I only use my imagination/fantasize about porn without actually watching it ?"

    You freaking guys, man.
  2. dskysblu

    dskysblu Fapstronaut

    Hahahaha so many peolep out there who cantc just seem to grasp a simple concept and trying to find shortcuts all the time.
    Do it like a man/woman whoever you are and be fucking proud of yourself for doing it thoroughly or just don't....there's no in between, it's not a gray area, it's black and white. You joined nofap program for a reason, you know it very well, you in some deep shit mu-ffakkas.
    But most importantly, you realize it and you acknowledge it.... congratulations, you have cleared step 1. Now on to the rest of it, the real part.
    Complete it properly and Go be your own hero, change your life.
    Mister Fire likes this.
  3. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    True.It's difficult enough to cut that addiction so if you keep bullshitting yourself you have no chance ! NoFap is a lifestyle, PMO is a lifestyle, period, nothing in between.And I relapsed enough times to know what I'm talking about ! EVERYtime I relapsed it was because I was still looking for a way to do half-PMO, half-NoFap but it's IMPOSSIBLE, it's two completely opposite paths, it's like night and day bro ! Trying to do both is just childishness, time to man the fuck up and commit to NoFap !
    dskysblu likes this.
  4. RingoRules

    RingoRules Fapstronaut

    I've been astounded at how good my mind has been at justifying or excusing weak behavior.
  5. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Our minds are tricksters !
    Astrocastle420 likes this.
  6. GottaMakeIt

    GottaMakeIt Fapstronaut

    Excellent post. This should be always the top thread
    Mister Fire likes this.
  7. RingoRules

    RingoRules Fapstronaut

    EXACTLY! Joseph Campbell would approve of that use of tricksters.
  8. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Talking about Joseph Campbell, I really see NoFap as part of my Hero's Journey.PMO and NoFap are two completely opposite paths/mindsets/lifestyles IMO.There's absolutely NO WAY I can accomplish Great things for Humanity while being a PMO addict, that just doesn't work (I tried it) ! Everything that you create and accomplish in the World comes from your soul and if you feed your soul with that whole PMO/sex addict bullshit, you can't call yourself a Hero.See, it's not just about not fapping and not watching porn, 'cause you can do NoFap and still be a pervert (and in that case chances are you'll relapse sooner or later), it's about becoming a new person ! That's why all the things I've mentioned are bullshit, they keep you stuck in the PMO mindset.
    RingoRules likes this.
  9. RingoRules

    RingoRules Fapstronaut

    This is so similar to my own realizations.
    Mister Fire likes this.
  10. Bubblehead

    Bubblehead Fapstronaut

    Directy from nofap website:

    "Rebooting is a personal process with no single correct approach."

    "our users are a diverse group who find common ground in only one thing—they believe abstaining from individually-elected sexual behaviors for a period of time will improve their lives"

    Maybe I have no business saying this as I am new here, but some people here like yourself sound very cult-like - it is somewhat offputting. Like you got 10 commandments of rebooting from god or something. I will gladly take advice into consideration, I will gladly examine experiences of others but kindly don't fucking tell me what to do.
  11. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    After all, who am I to tell you what to do or not.But again, who the fuck are YOU to know how your mind works and how it decieves you.Dude, I‘ve got some shocking news for you: you’re not the first human being in this planet who has matured through life and made mistakes.You’re a human psyche like everybody else, we’re all running the same software.The information that I’m throwing here comes from my experience as a human being, I bulshitted myself in the past and it destroyed my life that’s why I want all of you to be AWARE of those stupid newbie mistakes and make some quick progress.That’s why I sound so cut-like homie.
    ultrafabber and dskysblu like this.