For anyone who thinks they've lost (Especially if you're under 18)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by LetsJustCallItOff, Jul 27, 2018.

  1. mirolamboto1

    mirolamboto1 New Fapstronaut

    You, sir, are the best! Thanks for the inspiration. Stay blessed! :)
    LetsJustCallItOff likes this.
  2. Thanks for your post! Prompted by this I have made some realisations about my own pm use and it connects to your thoughts on journaling. I have realised that through focusing on which day I'm on I have lowered my self-esteem through not going more than a few days at a time in the last month. Low self esteem is why I pmo and day counting and journaling have made me judge myself too harshly. So thanks to you mate I'm going to focus not on 'competing' with what day I can reach but tackling the root of the problem and also like you said learning to love myslef for who I am.

    Truly, thanks for this post :)
    LetsJustCallItOff likes this.
  3. LetsJustCallItOff

    LetsJustCallItOff Fapstronaut



    That sounds like a good plan to me. The moment I stopped worrying about the amount of days I could do and started getting to the roots of all the emotional things which caused my porn addiction (along with everything else of course) was the point at which I began to make significant, long lasting progress.

    A ‘vocal journal’ is basically what I tried, where you’d talk about the issues you faced in the day with someone close to you (ie my girlfriend in my case). I think by doing this you untangle a lot of issues the day has caused by real, face to face connection which you don’t get from writing it all down. So, maybe if you do have someone to potentially try that with, it will help:)

    As I’ve said previously, you (the real you) is the best person you can be, so be that person and that’s all you’ve got to do. Both yourself and others will love you and find it easier to love you if you are yourself:)

    Also, never beat yourself up about relapsing, but pick yourself up and keep going!:) it’ll get easier and you’ll get through it, I promise you.

    Again, with everyone I reply to, I’d just like to say that if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, I’m always here:)

    Cheers man
  4. staying_alive

    staying_alive Fapstronaut

    I didn't expect that you will replying me with a long post, so thank you very much, it also means a lot to me.
    I feel like you really care about all my issues. I was bullied when on elementary school and bullied hardly when on junior high school. When on elementary school I'm bullied by verbal and when on junior high school I got verbally and physical bullying, well that's very sad and horrible.

    When on High school I was trying to socialize, and not bad, eventually I can make friend though just a few friend. But I felt my sadness, my trauma didn't go away, I still felt like I fear to talk to friend, still felt insecure, and social anxiety still felt.

    Until now my emotional condition still unstable and I never talk about it to other people or friend that I trust. Actually I ever told that I ever bullied to my mother and father but they seemed didn't concern about it, and since that moment I never told my emotional issues to other people and dealt it myself.

    Sorry if there's grammatical or phrase mistake, I still learn english. :)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  5. Skdrille

    Skdrille Fapstronaut

    Great post guy !
    LetsJustCallItOff likes this.
  6. LetsJustCallItOff

    LetsJustCallItOff Fapstronaut



    I do care and I do understand:) I didn't have anyone to talk about these things to when I was younger, so it's just nice to give that to others.

    Just a few true friends is a lot better than many friends you don't really know. Keep being you and you'll make friends that are really special:) Never be afraid to talk to your friends because they're people like you and me, and they understand what people are going through. If you ever find a friend which you are comfortable to talk to about this sort of stuff, I'd just give it a go, as I'm sure they'll understand:)

    It was wrong that your parents didn't accept that you've been bullied. My mum didn't fully accept that I had a problem with porn until I told her the 3rd time, as some people don't fully understand what others' are going through and can't comprehend it themselves, so it takes a bit of time for them to adjust. I'd try to talk to your parents again about it, but if they don't understand, you can always talk to a teacher you trust or your school.

    As you were saying before, just be yourself and don't let anyone change who you are:) I bet you're awesome and I'm sure others think that too, you've just hit a tough part in your life, but I promise you it will get better, just keep trying:)

    It's not to do with bullying, but Terry Crews' book Manhood, really opened my eyes to how to connect with your parents and it really helped me see into the future and showed me that things can turn out to be positive, even though they might not seem it right now.
    staying_alive likes this.