Folly to Rely on My Willpower

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    It occurs to me that I am in the greatest danger when I decide that my willpower alone is strong enough to resist temptation or worse yet to foolishly conclude that I am cured and no longer vulnerable.

    As I examine my conscience and my history of sinful lust, I see that when I am not feeling particularly tempted, these are the times I am most likely to relax my commitment to daily heartfelt prayer. It is not long after such mistakes that the evil one rushes in with a temptation that I am ill prepared to fight.

    I think this interpretation of Proverbs 16:18 from the Knox bible says it well.
    "Presumption comes first, and ruin close behind it; pride ever goes before a fall."
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Today I read an interpretation of Romans 7: 13 - 25 that I found in the New American Bible which I think explains why willpower alone is insufficient to fight sin.

    "Far from improving the sinner, law encourages sin to expose itself in transgressions or violations of specific commandments (see Romans 1:24; 5:20). Thus persons who do not experience the justifying grace of God, and Christians who revert to dependence on law as the criterion for their relationship with God, will recognize a rift between their reasoned desire for the goodness of the law and their actual performance that is contrary to the law. Unable to free themselves from the slavery of sin and the power of death, they can only be rescued from defeat in the conflict by the power of God's grace working through Jesus Christ."

    I summarize this to mean, once we have made the decision to quit sin, we must have grace to underpin that commitment. In my understanding, grace is obtained by prayer, devotion to Jesus Christ and kindness to others. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound!

    bellator de Christi likes this.
  3. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    Yes you are right.
    I experience it every time I am very tempted or have almost fallen or when I have fallen.

    Unfortunately theoretically it is a clear concept but in practice it is not always clear.

    It is really true that in order to defeat autoeroticism it is essential to nourish the life of Faith, with all the necessary means!
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  4. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    I know only one man from the Internet who got rid of pmo using only a secular way - a combination of psychological methods. He's been clean for 12 years. So, it's possible but very rare.
    And I know some people from the Internet who got rid of pmo and they have been clean for some years. The number of them is 5 or 6. They all base on God and His grace.
    What says the logic and proves in this case? That using God's grace your chances are 5/6 higher than using only secular means.
    bellator de Christi and Stommy like this.
  5. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Lately, I have been led to examine my heart and to ask myself if I want a truly clean heart or if I am holding on to some vestige of my old self and a desire to sin. A house divided against itself cannot stand and so if I do not completely desire a clean heart, eventually I will fall again.

    I understand that grace underpins willpower but it occurs to me there is a third element to this equation called desire. The more one desires a truly clean heart the more grace is bestowed on them and the more grace one receives the stronger willpower becomes. Perhaps these three things are a structure where each builds on the other. Where I used to pray, "Lord create a clean heart in me", the prayer that is resonating with me these days is "Lord teach me to desire a thoroughly clean heart".

    Fulton Sheen wrote this when describing Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

    “In the life of every individual and in the life of every nation, there are three moments: a time of visitation or privilege in the form of a blessing from God; a time of rejection in which the Divine is forgotten; and a time of doom or disaster. Judgment (or disaster) is the consequence of human decisions and proves that the world is guided by God’s presence. His tears over the city [Jerusalem] showed Him as the Lord of History, giving men grace, and yet never destroying their freedom to reject it. But in disobeying His will, men destroy themselves; in stabbing Him, it is their own hearts they slay; in denying Him, it is their city and their nation that they bring to ruin. Such was the message of His tears as the King goes to the Cross.”

    Excerpt From: Fulton J. Sheen. “Life of Christ.”
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  6. Stommy

    Stommy Fapstronaut

    Too bad there are no reliable statistics on liberation from masturbation.
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  7. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    It seems that reliable statistics are impossible. When someone had taken drugs and now he claims he is sober then you can prove this with a test - his blood, even hair will contain or won't drug 'rest' even months after he took it. But how will you test a man who claims he is pmo free? a lie detector? I heard there are psychological ways to trick that device. What is left are former addicts testimonies. How much reliable they are? I heard about decades sober alcoholics who hid that they drank in their sober streak . All done in order not to ' break ' their own 'achievement' - the number of sober years.
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  8. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    What I read and drawing my own conclusions from it there is no third element. A strong desire for a clean heart is a grace too. We can have our own natural desire to become clean but after the original sin that natural 'human' desire is weak and unstable rather like in the case of our will. In order our will and desire be strong we must pray for it because it's beyond nature. This prove liturgical prayers of the church. There are prayers for desire and love for God's commandments. Saint Augustine said that we don't pray for something what we have by nature - for example - nobody prays that their stomach is able to digest the food or that we can have power to stand up and go to the fridge (my own invented examples). So when we pray in tradition of the church for something then it means that it's a grace of God.

    Fortified at the Eucharistic Banquet, we ask You, God, † make us always thirst for this Bread * which gives true life. Through Christ our Lord.

    ''Lex orandi, lex credendi (Latin: "the law of what is prayed [is] the law of what is believed"), sometimes expanded as Lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi (Latin: "the law of what is prayed [is] what is believed [is] the law of what is lived"), is a motto in Christian tradition, which means that prayer and belief are integral to each other and that liturgy is not distinct from theology. It refers to the relationship between worship and belief. As an ancient Christian principle it provided a measure for developing the ancient Christian creeds, the canon of scripture, and other doctrinal matters. It is based on the prayer texts of the Church, that is, the Church's liturgy. In the Early Church, there was liturgical tradition before there was a common creed, and before there was an officially sanctioned biblical canon. These liturgical traditions provided the theological (and doctrinal) framework for establishing the creeds and canon. ''
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
    bellator de Christi likes this.
  9. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Thank you Mr. Eko, I will think and pray about what you have shared! As always, you are very enlightening. Thank you!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
    bellator de Christi likes this.