
Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by sombrero23, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. sombrero23

    sombrero23 Fapstronaut


    So I wanted to ask if anyone of you know any method to improve the ability to focus?
    I've had a lot of problems with it recently, and I really need to improve that. I find it difficult to study, as I tend to occupy my mind with a really random thought, and time is still running. It even has come to ridiculous situations when I'm looking for flour in the fridge etc. just because at the same time I've been thinking about something else.
    I value my ability to contemplate rationally about important things, but there is no use of it if I can't focus on anything other than that!

    Any good piece of advice?

    Looking forward to any responds.

  2. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours sleep every night

    Eat a good diet..low carbs, med-high protein, high fats..

    Stay hydrated (Water, but don't over hydrate either)

    Stay positive

    Listen to music to get you and keep you in the zone

    Just a few things
  3. sombrero23

    sombrero23 Fapstronaut

    Is a good diet such an important thing in being able to focus?
    I do eat quite unhealthily, but the idea that it causes lack of focus seems unlikely to me. I can of course be wrong about it, could you tell me more about it?
  4. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    Focus is the other side of willpower. And as they say willpower is a muscle.

    So the two strategies are generally
    1) finding ways to reduce those things that deplete willpower yet bring little to no benefit
    2) applying willpower to those areas that will bring benefit

    For 1) its all about reducing the number of decisions which need to be taken in a day. This pushes the need for simplifying ones life and setting up life routines that you follow automatically

    For 2) its all about recognizing when your willpower is at its highest and using it for the most important things. Typically its the first part of the day where your willpower is greatest and this allows maximum focus. A second component is forcing yourself each day to do one thing you have been putting off - this is an exercise to increase willpower

    There are a lot of great videos on willpower (and focus) on youtube.