Flatlining Help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JKnight, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    Hi All,
    I am concerned about flatlining. I have researched it quite a bit on other sites and forums, and read anecdotal accounts of its potency. It has caused many a relapse. How do I prepare for it? In terms of preventing relapse, not getting fired at work, keeping my relationship with my wife.
  2. For me, the flatline is the best and easiest part of this journey. It’s like my mind switches off.. I have a very difficult and intense job and am always around a lot of people also. I have always dealt with anxiety and in the past some episodes of depression. Now I know that pmo and the void it’s filling is causing these issues, all the symptoms of a flatline can be taken with a grain of salt and with deep breathing and some light meditation, the flatline can even be seen as a gift. Just know that on the other side of a flatline awaits a bliss that you couldn’t explain or comprehend if you tried. I have felt it and it is what will carry me through the next few days having recently restarted my counter. One more thing.. always turn to nofap. Whenever you start to feel yourself slipping into the darkness, turn to nofap and read peoples posts. this helped me no end. Keep us updated soldier
    justafriend, TheBox and Address007 like this.
  3. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    The meditation and light breathing might be a good idea thanks. My job requires my cognitive ability and ability to analyse and strategise. If my mind is switched off, then I won't be very competent at my job. Also my relationship with my wife will suffer.
  4. Wario32

    Wario32 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It's tough but you have to work through it and just live one day one day at a time. You'll have bad days and you will have good days. For me personally the first flatline is the worst and them after that it kinda lose its edge. Your just kinda of just bored? When the next one comes

    The worst is probably the brain fog. At work you have to focus and remember stuff. Days like that I heavily lean in my phone to remember and keep track of everything
    Address007 likes this.
  5. JKnight

    JKnight Fapstronaut

    Hmmm...my reboot is kind of off-schedule. I believe it's because I am doing a normal reboot and not a hard reboot as I have a wife. I may upgrade though soon. Also, I'm not sure that I am/was addicted as strongly as some others. That could also account for the more gradual withdrawal process. When I went off coffee, the withdrawals were instant.

    I use a project management tool called Asana for most things. It helps. I'm worried about the mind being turned off and the inability to focus; the massive depressions, etc. I think i've gone through the brain fog, I had it the first few days after D-Day, I think it only lifted a few days ago after a massive bout of headaches and severe dehydration.

    Are you telling me that you flatline and get brain fog multiple times during the reboot?
  6. You seem like you have a lot of things on your side. Your wife and your career and everything that comes with those things are probably going to prevent you from having the same black hole flatline that someone that does little more that sit in their bedroom pmo after pmo and nothing else filling their time
    Wario32 likes this.
  7. Wario32

    Wario32 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes you do have advantage. Even though I worry sometimes about my job as well, in the long run it is helping us. We doing something talking to people etc. Our minds are always distracted .
    For me my worst is when I worked part time and had 3 days off. Those were the dark times. Too much time for myself and thinking to much.
    JKnight likes this.