
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MrBigA, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    The fuck? Why did noone warn me that at some point my dick and balls are going to shrivel up for a while....:

    I'm going to have to look into this more..... any more of this kind of thing I should know about? lol
  2. Arnak

    Arnak Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that flatline thing isn't fun news. I'm at a month without porn right now and so far I don't think I had any flatline. Thank to that video, now I worry that will eventually happen lol
    MrBigA and Cuddywater like this.
  3. Gelandewagen

    Gelandewagen Fapstronaut

    Im 105 days today. Had a long 70 days flatline and think I just entered a second one. Not fun at all but embracing the goodness of reboot and healing, no other way or shortcuts to it.
  4. Cuddywater

    Cuddywater Fapstronaut

    Wait what exactly is a flat line ? I'm ten days in so please do ans so that I know what to expect....
  5. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    The good news is, itt's just a phase.... It doesn't stay like that \m/

    (Still, not looking forward to it lol)
  6. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    Christ... 70 days, round 2? Sounds grim, but it'll be worth it. Keep your eye on the prize..... You're right, just got to work through it!
  7. AntiqueRevolverGuy

    AntiqueRevolverGuy Fapstronaut

    I'm not interesting in watching the video. What is a flatline? When I first heard it I thought it was referring to 'edging', but it seems not. Can someone just post the meaning?
  8. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    I'm a noob here myself too, still doing all the learning myself. Try this article:


    N.B. if anyone has any more insight on this, please feel free to share!
  9. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    It's only a couple of minutes long... Try the article I just posted as a reply to someone else.
  10. rave756

    rave756 Fapstronaut

    It was a scary surprise for me around day 30! You can take a glance down to make sure its still there, but otherwise, try to avoid testing it and tempting yourself away from your goals. In my experience, when the time was right, all engine started up as expected.
  11. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut


    I'll bet it was... Just glad to discover it before I found out the hard way lol

    I'll keep your advice In mind... I know what I'm like...

    "Wake up little buddy" *shake shake shake*
    rave756 likes this.
  12. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    Why do you even care? When you don't use your dick for a time (only for peeing that is) it may shrivel. Supposed you want to have sex, the erection will probably be rock stiff. If you have a problem with the way it looks right now, just don't show it to anybody :D. When you begin sexual activities with a partner, very fast it will be half or full erected.

    I would rather worry about mood changes. You can lost all interest in sex, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you're in hard/monk mode. But you might also become depressed, from all what I've heard.

    Before someone really goes into depression, I would say, it's better to masturbate without artificial stimulation (if that's helping). Some might take medication in this case. The best would be to have someone loving and caring. I guess the flatline would be a good chance to get very intimate with a lover without fucking (excuse my language).

    Disclaimer: I've never been in the flat line myself
    MrBigA likes this.
  13. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    I know I know... you are right in that respect! It's not how he looks just now, it's how he could possibly look for a while.... You are right, what does it matter? Regardless of how it looks if (or when) that might happen, it's only temporary... just, he's my buddy, it will be quite sad to see him look so miserable for however long it takes him to come back out of hiding lol

    As far as mood swings are concerend, i've not fully got to that bit yet either... maybe i will, maybe i won't... probably will though! Like, at the moment I actually feel quite energised by it all... I dunno if that's just an initial bout of enthusiasm, in particular for deciding to do something I should have done years ago. Well, my mood was low yesterday but, I'm attributing that to a lack of sleep thenight before.... apart from that, honestly I woke up feeling totally magic today! Give it a couple of weeks though, ask me then lol
  14. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    During your reboot/rewire speaking from personal experience you WANT the flatline and should not fear this when this happens. You want them to show up ASAP and last for a long time. This is going to increase your chances for a successful reboot/rewire. I got hit with an almost two months flatline episode on the very first days of deciding to resolve my PMO dilemma. At first it was SCARY because I felt "dead" inside. Yet looking back I don't think I would of succeeded if I didn't experience the flatline so early in my quest. What you should be worry about is when flatline ends and one day you get that screaming urge. Putting the brakes on when your libido sneaks up on you is a whole new set of challenges.
    Deleted Account and MrBigA like this.
  15. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    hmmm, yeah... I hadn't thought of that. After it wears off, do you look back at those two limp months and question what it was all about? Do you ever reference those times as examples of why you definitely don't want to go back there.... thinking about how what it was like feeling that and how it affected your physiology?

    You are totally right.... I'm trying to remain as positive as i can and perhaps I should just embrace that if (or more than likely when) it happens.

    Not that it'll be pleasant, but perhaps i should be looking at things like this as serving as a major lesson in why I shouldn't have started in the first place. And that, if I don't want that to happen again... I should remember that period of time always....
    MsPants likes this.
  16. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    When I started NoFap when I didn't know anything about NoFap YES I was FREAKING OUT big time. I thought I had a low testosterone problem. Then I did some research and found yourbrainonporn I realized I was on the right path. Yeah it was scary and I was wondering when the hell this was going to end. Adding insult to injury if you want to call it that a girl in my boot camp class whom I had a crush on started to one day around my flatline to "make a move" on me. LOL. GREAT TIMING!!! Okay.

    Do I want to go back to this again and get another flatline? Knowing what I know now actually I wouldn't mind because given that I am some 127 days in of no-PMO if I hit another flatline episode right now I can easily cruise to 180 days no problem. Just fate and Cupid do not try to toy with me once again and throw another attractive woman trying to get my attention. Putting that boot camp girl into friend zone was more than enough. LOL.

    Flatlines are not pleasant because you can't see it but you definitely are going to feel it and since this struggle is so personal you have to most likely battle through this alone like I have. What I can say is that anything worth having and keeping things are not going to be easy and the journey is going to be one hell of a very rewarding struggle. As Jack Ma of Alibaba said once, "Today sucks. Tomorrow is going to suck even more. But the day after tomorrow is going to be sunshine."
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2016
  17. That's super helpful perspective on flatline - thank you. I hadn't thought of it that way, that it's serving an important purpose and should be welcomed not interrupted. And also to be prepared for strong urges when it ends. Great advice!
    MrBigA likes this.
  18. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    I'm in a flatline now. Sucks. I couldn't get it up even if I wanted to...:mad::(
  19. MrBigA

    MrBigA Fapstronaut

    Sod's law dictates you were going to meet her at that moment... it's always the way lol Out of curiosity, how did that go? Or did you just let her go?

    Well, I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see how this one pans out then. Sounds like it has the potential to be pretty brutal. I have been through a couple of withdrawls for other things before, in the past... but everything is different, each situation is different... so, I'm kind of prepared a little bit. In my own way.... the way I'm feeling now is pretty positive, but I know that can change at the drop of a hat... I know i'm going to hit a few low points. like yesterday, i was on low... but that was coupled with sleep issues. I

    Well, thank you for your insight and the benefit of your experience. It all helps in the preperation and i like hearing other peoples experiences.... and thoughts.

  20. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    I have to let her go. We are still on friendly speaking terms. The stop was very subtle. We stopped talking for a while and things got a bit disconnected but we just start chatting again yesterday. No animosity of any sorts since we take the same boot camp classes and I wouldn't want things get awkward. We went out a couple of times. Worked out together. It was good. Memorable in its own ways but not enough to write home about. She spoke about moving to another city so this is all for the better. Also I am taking yoga classes at a yoga studio I recently discovered. And that is another whole can of worms since a large number of women are way too attractive for their own good and very personable. LOL. Here we go again! This time minus the flatline. After being exposed to all that, porn? What porn?!?!?!?!

    The flatline is supposed to be brutal in its own personal way. It has to be. If not you are not going to succeed and fully recover. I say enjoy those lows because during this time speaking from my own flatline journey things that didn't matter that used to get under my skin just slide away fast. The parts that really sucked are not getting morning wood and my libido was literally shot. But that is okay it was temporary. During this time your testosterone is slowly going to build up again and you start to develop boundaries and you are going to be fighting back if the situation calls for it. Just don't over do it and cross the line. People are going to see and treat you differently because you get to enjoy busting chops. Ha ha.

    This is going to really help you to get through this flatline because it is a pretty good guideline. https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-universal-laws-of-NoFap.54217/
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2016