Fitness recomendations

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Lifeless Muffin, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Lifeless Muffin

    Lifeless Muffin Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone!!
    I would like to ask all of you some questions. I'm currently at day 3 of my 90+ day reboot. One of my important goal in this process is to start doing some sports. I would like to gain some fonctional strenght, do some Rocky Balboa style cool training and shit. The problem is I didn't done any sport before so I don't know were to start. I think about some swiming alongside a cardio and fitness routine. Can you help me form a program? I'm kinda lost and I would be really greatful if you help. Thank you all and don't forget stay PMO free.
  2. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    If you can afford one, the best solution is a personal trainer.

    Everyone has different fitness challenges, and starting fresh will have unique challenges.

    Two years ago, I was overweight, depressed, and very weak from a desk job. I walked with a hunch, because I was so tired on my feet. I tried to go to the gym, and just do a 'circuit', and nearly passed out/hurled. (Turns out I wasn't breathing right, and over exerted myself.)

    A good trainer, will actually hold you back and assess you in the early sessions. They want you to stay safe, and not risk injury. (Mine changed my life, and today, I can dead lift 405 pounds (to some that sound way light, but for a 40+ year old guy that could barely stand up for more then 10 minutes when I started, it's worlds of accomplishment.)

    That being said, Personal training does cost money. If you have a friend you trust that is into fitness, you may ask them to partner with you for a couple of weeks and show you what they do. This is dangerous, because your friend may have been doing this for a long time, and won't know how to change the exercises to what you need to get started. (So if you do it, just be very careful to be very light. Your first few sessions shouldn't be any real strain, as you just need to be able to do the motion while being able to have a conversation at the same time, and even that is going to hurt starting)

    There are things you can do right away on your own. Depending on how fit you are, walking is always a safe activity. Get a fitness tracker, or use your phone, and try to get 10k steps, by walking an hour 1/2 a day. Once that gets comfortable, you may want to invest in some shoes, and a 'coach to 5k' program for you phone, and try Jogging. You get the same work done, but in half the time. Walking is where endurance, and basic cardio starts.

    Some gym memberships do include a couple of 'personal training sessions'. If you do join a gym, be careful what you sign up for. Many get excited, and try to get a lower prices by signing for 2 year contract. (And after the first month they never go again). It's best to go 'month to month' until you know yourself a little better. However, again, you might find that they can help you get at least a plan on what machines to use.

    There is a personal trainer in the self improvement area, that would offer you more suggestions on how to get started. You might head there, and ask the same questions.
  3. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    If you want to do that why dont you join some kick-boxing course or something similar? If you are still at uni, there sure will be some fighting society organizing very cheap classes (I payed around 3 pounds/class about 3 years ago). You will get there cardio, some muscle building, you learn something, kill the energy and to my surprise it was more sociable then I thought. About 50% were girls trying to learn some self-defence. When I first came there I had solid muscles from gym already but vast majority of guys were total skinny and lifted in they life at most maybe a pen. But muscles dont count there as I usually got my ass kicked even by a girl who was there half year longer then I. But still it was so much fun and great way how to do a cardio and some exercise, meet new people and learn something new.
    Just writing because it reminded me a lot Rocky Balboa training. Just do it once a week and then hit gym hard.
    PostiveChange1974 likes this.
  4. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    I like his idea. I'm not in uni, but I've thought of doing the same. I have a friend that is in a class now. She said it was everything you just described.

    While kick boxing probably is minimally useful in real life scenarios, she has awesome endurance, and way strong confidence. She has ripped tris and abs from it. She just looks bad ass hotness for it. It's changed how she moves across a room.

    I'm very tempted, but my schedule for work outs is already rather full. I also want to drop another 30 pounds before I do something like that. Still, its on my list of goals. I would like to be able to start that this time next year.
    JustinX likes this.
  5. Tekkadan

    Tekkadan Guest

    Bigger Leaner Stronger by Micheal Matthews
  6. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Make a music playlist then just run out the front door and keep going until you cant run any more.
  7. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I don't recommend that as i did exactly that and ended up having blisters everywhere (some VERY big) and my feet were swollen for next 5-6 days because i didnt know where/when to stop
  8. finding_zen

    finding_zen Fapstronaut

    Where to start? Depends on what you like! For someone new and getting into fitness, I would recommend just trying a LOT of different programs on for size (there's millions) and stick with what clicks with you.

    Some people really like weight training, crossfit is a program that builds muscle/cardio/functional strength. You don't even have to join a gym, you can buy used weights online and workout at home with workouts you read online.

    Some people really like body weight exercises, and calisthenics are great body weight workouts.

    Swimming is great cardio. I personally like bodybuilding. If you're into raw strength check out powerlifting.

    A good place to start would be on youtube checking out these styles of working out. Let me know if you want to learn more about bodybuilding/weight training.
  9. MattRN

    MattRN Fapstronaut

  10. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Try some basic stuff first, like jogging, doing home workouts (pushups, pullups, lunges, squats, so you get familiar with the movements, get your joins used to the motion) before you decide to join a gym.