first time user

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by kalinemgblh, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. kalinemgblh

    kalinemgblh New Fapstronaut

    hello, all.

    I'm not super sure how this works, but I'm new to the actual nofap site. At one point I was on the reddit forum, but that didn't last long. I'm 25 y/o, and I've been trying to quit porn since I was like 12. I grew up (and still am) Christian in a conservative part of the country. My family was fairly liberal politically, but we never talked about sex/porn/masturbation at all in my house. As a result, I've always been very ashamed of any "inappropriate" expression of sexuality. For example, I hated myself for masturbating at all as a teenager, regardless of whether or not porn was involved.

    Another legacy of my childhood is that I grew up without constant internet access. I looked up porn when I could, but for the most part, I was (in retrospect, happily) porn-free. I've taken that up again recently--I have no internet at my apartment--but because I can't stop watching anymore I've been driven to watch in public (locking myself in my office, sitting in corners, etc.), which is inevitably going to put me in a disastrous situation.

    I'm starting this account hours after a massive, like, 5-hour-long relapse because I feel devastated and alone. I really want to make a lasting change in my life, and I want to believe that I can. Anyway, bummer. Good to be here, I suppose :). I'm not really sure what to say or ask for, and I'm a little leery of talking to anonymous internet people (again, no internet as a kid). If nothing else, it feels good to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
  2. Jyas

    Jyas Fapstronaut

    Hey, I just joined too. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's not easy and the main thing is you are trying. Stay strong and when you feel tempted, remind yourself why you're quiting and then focus your energy on something else. Good luck!
    kalinemgblh likes this.
  3. bob512

    bob512 New Fapstronaut

    Just joined too and had a long, regret-inducing relapse. I've also grown up in a conservative area without much sex ed and have had an intermittent porn addiction. We'll go on this journey together. Not sure how to start either but let's start by being proud that we're starting to try to be better. Cheers!
    kalinemgblh likes this.