First Post

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by cantstopjerkinjohnson, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. cantstopjerkinjohnson

    cantstopjerkinjohnson Fapstronaut

    Hey all I'm cantstopjerkinjohnson and I'm starting my nofap journey here. Honestly I've tried many times to stop pmoing and have never been able to go passed 45 days. I've done a number of stints where I can go 30 days and a bit beyond but then something happens like I see a hot chick out in public or even online, not porn just so hot that I can't stop thinking about her and relapse.

    I need some help and support I think and my goal is to become totally celibate so I can jam on my spiritual journey of yoga and meditation (which btw the more you can abstain from pmo or even just m while doing yoga meditation you'll feel unbelievable. Those yogis recommend abstinence if possible and I think I know why with people talking about these so called 'super powers'. I think Krishna, Buddha, Jesus etc had the celibacy thing going on)

    I need to just master those key clutch moments of temptation and I think I'll be good. Also I had an abusive childhood growing up so I think part of pmo for me is like a method of coping with stress or the emotional pain I have inside. I think also I continue to heal myself emotionally and get my needs met in healthy ways it will help for these urges to stop.

    Thanks for listening to me everyone, this is cantstopjerkinjohnson over and out.
    0111zerozero11 and Shamgar like this.
  2. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    @cantstopjerkinjohnson welcome to nofap. I can tell you are enthusiastic about this journey and already have done some research on this so I think you can make progress quickly. I encourage you to start your journal and keep coming here on a regular basis and you will go beyond 45 days and keep on going …like a energizer bunny!
    I wish you good luck!
    cantstopjerkinjohnson likes this.
  3. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    I'm also very curious about this man, like sexual energy and spiritual or growth in the mind are related
  4. cantstopjerkinjohnson

    cantstopjerkinjohnson Fapstronaut

    Hi retentionman, thanks for your words of support! Yeah I am excited about this because like many of us this has been such a huge source of stress for me and a huge nemesis that I have yet to conquer. But I know by reading the various threads on here that it IS possible. I believe that if people can go 6 months to a year with no pmo whatsoever that they can do it for a lifetime.
    LakeMichigan likes this.
  5. cantstopjerkinjohnson

    cantstopjerkinjohnson Fapstronaut

    Also yeah there really is something powerful and mystical about the sexual energy. I don't think medical science at this point can really explain it, but there are so many people who report feeling more energy or happier when not doing it that something real is obviously happening. I too feel an increase in energy and joy when I go even a week or two with no pmo. The meditation enhances it too. I think there is bliss and joy that humans can tap into that go way beyond regular sex and I think that's why some figures in the world go celibate. It's very weird and interesting how we have this urge to have sex and it feels great but it also seems to drain our energy and make us feel depleted and shameful, almost as if we weren't supposed to be doing it somehow. Life is weird but I think mastering our sexual energy and transmuting it is the foundation to everything and all success and happiness.
    LakeMichigan likes this.
  6. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Agree completely. The big minds of history knew this. Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Jesus.