First Day

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by cap_strange, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. cap_strange

    cap_strange New Fapstronaut

    Hey fellow Fapstronauts,

    I just joined today after having a fall back into it. I have been able to go 30 days before falling back in and thought that it was time to get some extra help.

    About me: Bisexual late 20's guy that has been into porn since I was a kid. I thought it was normal to watch a lot, especially when i was single and dating here and there. I had partners I watched it with so porn and sex went together in my mind. Then I noticed that I could only get off from masturbation and it really frustrated me. I would take breaks, and see a difference after a few weeks, but fell back in because of boredom or to relive stress. It also didn't help at the time that some of my partners shamed me, so i felt that i was just broken lol.

    However, in the last couple years I have met an amazing person that I want to spend the rest of my life with and have kids. All of this kind of happened. Lucky for me I was able to be honest about who I was and everything, so now i want to make a healthy choice for the both of us.

    Sex without porn is awesome, and when I fall back in I feel like shit immediately. Like as soon as I'm done I know I made a mistake and it just makes me sad and i feel dirty. Because it ruins the great connection of sex and the feeling.

    So yea, here I am.

    I will succeed!
    NewLife101 likes this.
  2. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on joining NoFap. You can succeed! Stay active here, it helps.
  3. cap_strange

    cap_strange New Fapstronaut

    Will do man! Thanks fir the support. How can I get a counter?
    NewLife101 likes this.
  4. NewLife101

    NewLife101 Fapstronaut

    Try clicking on my counter, it should bring you to a page where you create your own.