Finally Made the Decision

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by amp195, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. amp195

    amp195 New Fapstronaut

    Hi All,
    I've struggled with masturbation and porn for about 10 years now. I've read plenty on the negative effects of over-masturbation and have certainly experienced them personally. However, I've been unable to change the habit of masturbation 2-3 times a day. I've been successful stopping for about a week.

    I stumbled upon this page and actually don't really know how or why I found it. I'm taking it as a sign that it's time to take this issue seriously and change my life. I'm tired of spending all of my free time laying in supine position!

    I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but I would like to join a challenge to get started. Can one of you give me advice?

    Thank you.
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    first: set yourself a goal - how many days do you want to be abstinent?

    second: choose your abstinent type - no pmo or hardmode?

    read stuff in this forum and inform yourself about this addiction.