Finally Joining the Fray

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Lewis, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Lewis

    Lewis Fapstronaut

    I felt that tonight was as good as any time to finally introduce myself. I've been lurking the forum for about a month.

    I'll keep my backstory relatively brief for this post.

    About Me
    I'm 22 years old. I'm a college student majoring in mechanical engineering. Believe it or not, fighting PMO isn't my number one hobby.
    In becoming free from the bonds of addiction, I am becoming passionate about the following things:
    1. Developing Meaningful Relationships (e.g. Deity, Family, and Friends).
    2. Discovering and Enriching My Talents (e.g. Music, Writing, and Sports).
    3. Becoming a Man of Balanced Character (e.g. Honor, Loyalty, and Spontaneity).

    Brief History of My PMO Addiction
    I was first exposed to P when I was about 8 years old. I've been battling with PMO addiction since I was about 14. I've had prolonged stretches of sobriety, the longest thereof was when I was 19 years old and it lasted for 17 months. Since that time my PMO addiction has come back in full force and it has been difficult to maintain a healthy and balanced life. My longest streak in the past year was 42 days (which was probably 9 months back), and I'm on track to surpass that (which obviously has me all kinds of excited).

    It has been a rough past two years during which I have wrestled with the possibility that living in the PMO cycle is desirable.

    The Value of Community
    I now believe that healing from PMO addiction is both possible and desirable for me. I don't believe I can make this journey alone (I've tried and failed at that for so long). I have the support of my parents and a few close friends with this as well. I'm looking forward to living my life to the fullest.

    Thanks to you who are contributing to the forum. I'll post now and again and hope that I will be of benefit to the community.
  2. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! Just wishing you all the very best.

    You CAN do this and there's plenty of information, help, and advice here and healthy balance of perspectives so help and be helped just by making an honest contribution.

    Anything I suggest below is precisely that, a suggestion, this is YOUR journey and it goes without saying that you are free to proceed in whatever way helps you stop and STAY stopped (even though I just said it!!;))

    You are stronger than you know!! Please visit this link...!!)

    ...and please take some time to help yourself and to consider how you are going to set about reaching your fullest potential from here on, which is a CHOICE only YOU can make and a journey only YOU can take.

    It's worth mentioning that I hear a lot of people refer to the struggle/fight/battle etc, but it REALLY doesn't have to be that way(not unless you want to get in your OWN way?!?!)...

    So stay strong, help and be helped, and keep going!

    Now here's a refreshing 'change'...

    The counter below has been helping me to establish a new habit. It is not a trophy. I simply decided to completely disassociate from pornography because I finally woke up to it and the damage it causes on so many levels and I encourage you to explore this deeper for yourself. I already KNOW that I will NOT be looking at pornography EVER again. Wishing you all the very best in all areas of your life...