Finally joined nofap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BGTYG, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. BGTYG

    BGTYG New Fapstronaut

    I have been trying to quit porn on and off for a year now. I told myself at the end of last year that 2016 was the year I would quit porn. I have had streaks at a time, best being 40 days where I did not PMO. Looking back now however I realise I was not doing it properly and would still browse social media sites and look at photos that I thought would help suppress the temptation of porn. I have known about nofap for a while and my partner found out about my addiction over a year ago. She has been great at helping me through it but I have let her down numerous times with relapses and she is understandably still hurt. I have been 4 days clean now but decided to join nofap to make sure I am accountable and ensure that I make it this time. Hopefully this is the time I quit for good.
  2. rich899

    rich899 Fapstronaut

    You're in the right place. I've been amazed how well it works to just come here and interact.

    Worst part of my life, PMO, has been replaced by positive interaction with a supportive community. If I pick up my phone to find P, I come here instead. A few posts in and I can't remember why I wanted PMO.

    Good luck and welcome.
    BGTYG likes this.
  3. BGTYG

    BGTYG New Fapstronaut


    Thanks mate. I'm excited to see the full benefits of being completely free from my addiction. I think you're right, having a supportive community to share wins and if there are any, losses with and read success stories is going to be an amazing help.

    Cheers for the reply. :)
    rich899 likes this.
  4. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. This addiction is a hard one to overcome. You will find support and advise here as well. My suggestion is to start a journal in the appropriate section and keep track of your thoughts and feelings and anazyle them. Especially when you are feeling triggered. Remember that anything worthwhile takes time. Take it a day at a time and don't panic. You can check the bottom of this post, there are some helpful links in my signature. Stay strong!