Finally deciding to put an end to this

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Fmagatjr, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Fmagatjr

    Fmagatjr Fapstronaut

    Hello. Not quite sure if this will work for me but I've decided to take the risk and give it a try. It's only been a few hours since I last fapped but right this moment I've decided to just stop. I'm thirty years old and I started this bad habit of masturbation and pornography around 12 years old so suffice to say I have spent the better half of my life being an addict. The longest I've gone without pmo is about seven days and it's been a long time since that happened. I've basically given up trying but right now I hit the dirty thirty I found a renewed sense of desire to give it another shot. Thank you in advance for your support.
  2. Well welcome and we wish all the best. We are always here to help.
  3. Fmagatjr

    Fmagatjr Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Just got back from work. So far so good. Not gonna pmo tonight. Celebrate the little successes I guess.
    ethanwhite likes this.
  4. akameaccel

    akameaccel Fapstronaut

    Stick to it, just keep in mind that “you’re on your way".
    Fmagatjr and ethanwhite like this.
  5. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    I think this will work for you , never underestimate your powers , u can beat this addiction with the proper mindset. i think you are capable, when i first started i thought i would fail but here i am now stronger than ever
    Fmagatjr and ethanwhite like this.
  6. Coffeewouldbenice

    Coffeewouldbenice Fapstronaut

    Hey man welcome.

    I wish you all the best!

    Theres alot of helpfull things here on the forum but what works for me is to try and not think about nofap.
    find distractions.
    Fmagatjr and ethanwhite like this.
  7. Fmagatjr

    Fmagatjr Fapstronaut

    Lol second day of sobriety and I do find myself finding distractions. My body is already reacting to this break in its pattern but I'm actively resisting after a long time of just succumbing to it. I moved to a new apartment last September and it's only now that I'm unloading some left over junk in my car. Continued reading a book I've put off for a few months. I guess it's really just being more productive with my time and energy instead of wasting it on pmo. Thanks fellas.
    Saskia likes this.
  8. Coffeewouldbenice

    Coffeewouldbenice Fapstronaut

    Very good to hear!
    Its good to take small steps and let your brain recover.

    Main reason ive failed so many times is because i thought "lets do this 90 days challenge" and end up relapsing on like day 6 lol.

    Every day without PMO is a huge achievement, no matter what day you're on.
    Keep up the good work man!
  9. Fmagatjr

    Fmagatjr Fapstronaut

    Few hours til third day of sobriety but I just can't wait to post this. I just low key went out with a girl tonight. Been a long time since that happened too. Idk if it's related to me starting my nofap journey but tonight has been a welcome surprise. Still no overpowering urge to jack off so I'm still in the clear. Onwards to the day!
    Coffeewouldbenice and Saskia like this.
  10. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    Keep the good work
  11. Coffeewouldbenice

    Coffeewouldbenice Fapstronaut

    I was actually happy when i read this! Keep up the good work man!
  12. MidasDelima

    MidasDelima Fapstronaut

    Its never too late to start! Keep up the good work and stick at it :D
  13. NFjourney2016

    NFjourney2016 Fapstronaut

    All you need to know and believe is that
  14. Fmagatjr

    Fmagatjr Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone for your encouragement! I'm glad to report that I'm still sober as of now making my sobriety more than a week! This is the longest nofap duration of my entire life and I've never been happier. I am also glad to report that I got a second date from the girl I started seeing three days into this nofap streak. I got an epiphany a few days back that having a mindset that says "how long can I go without fapping" is a bad one to have. I focus instead on thinking I'll never fap eve again. Counting days and stressing about it just makes me stumble more. 9 days of nofap! PR! Onwards to the future!