Feel like im dying

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. gave in to urges, looked up P, saw some things, quickly shut my laptop.

    Point being, now I have the worst withdrawals ever. Headaches, and I literally feel like death. Family keeps asking what’s up.

    Any recommendations on how to limit these withdrawal symptoms?
  2. Admiral Rusty

    Admiral Rusty Fapstronaut

    I’m no expert at this, but try to focus your mind on something else. For example, go for a walk, listen to music, read a book, watch some YouTube, or anything that can get your mind away from those withdrawl symptoms. Also, feel free to message me if you ever need a talk ;)
  3. Going off admiral rusty, you should try not think about trying not to think about stopping pmo and getting your mind away from “relapse”
  4. Admiral Rusty

    Admiral Rusty Fapstronaut

    Yes, but doing those activities can not only help avoid a relapse and withdrawal symptoms, they could also help avoid the thoughts of trying not to relapse. It almost always works for me, but it depends on the person. But not thinking about not relapsing seems to work too.
  5. Yes, I agree with your method as well, I’m just go a step further so that in the end, you aren’t burning your energy and mind trying to fight it, which only keeps the problem around since you’re so mindful of it. But keeping busy is very good and important as well, I try to keep busy. Plus, exercising, meditation and healthy eating makes me want to live a healthy life which pushes me to try not to pmo even more.
    Buddhabro and Admiral Rusty like this.