Father Son And Holy Spirit.. what does it mean to you? discussion please

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mallett, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. Mallett

    Mallett Fapstronaut

    my understanding of.. 'father, son and holy spirit'

    father and son... my conciousness is the 'son'. father is my connection to heaven, The part of heaven that stays with me through death
    the holy spirit is the baby i carry.
    i was born a soul... the three describe me as a whole

    father stays with the son in death, and joins with heaven in birth
    the son is part of my soul as is the father
    and the baby universe i carry is my charge, my baby my holy spirit (we all carry one)
    the son protects the baby from harm

    while baby learns from heaven and heaven in turn learns from baby... lots and lots of experience

    beautiful, valuble experience
    i call 'heaven'..'mum'
  2. Above my pay grade,
    But I’m interesting
    phrasing and descriptions.
