Fall From Grace ... Help Needed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by F Pr0n All My Homies Hate Pr0n, Jul 3, 2022.

  1. I can't seem to hold a long streak together and I am in need of desperate help. I was on a 163 day streak, tying my all time record but unfortunately failed, and I remembered being so pissed off that I immediately started on a new streak, promising myself I would beat it. That was on 5/31/2022. Since then, I have relapsed 17 times (yes, I counted), and was not able to hold a streak longer than 8 days. I've had a pr0n addiction when I was younger and fortunately got out of it a while back due to NoFap; however, I feel like I am developing an addiction again in the last 30 days with the amount of times I have relapsed. I am also an graduate student and I need the benefits of NoFap to do well as I've noticed I perform better academically whilst on a streak.

    Please give me some motivation / advice / cold truths to help me curb this habit. Thanks.