Failed New Years Resolution

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dallas Jones, Jan 10, 2020.

  1. Dallas Jones

    Dallas Jones New Fapstronaut

    This past summer I finally decided to try and quit PMO. That’s when I joined this website. However, the last 6 months I’ve had absolutely no success in quitting. Honestly I haven’t even used this site since the day I said I was fed up and made my account. The longest streak I have had of no PMO was only a day or two. The first few months of trying to quit I’d constantly beat myself up for my failures. It got to the point where I decided that I had way too many other things to stress about (school, work, social life,...) to add the stress and mental strain of trying to quit porn. I accepted that I wasn’t going to get any better during the school year (21 year old in college) and that I should just accept my addiction and try again when I went home for the holidays. I figured it would be way easier that way.

    The holidays have been rough for me. Without school/work, I have had far too much time on my hands. I’ve found myself PMOing multiple times a day, which durning the school year I never had the time for. Once the holidays started my addiction seemed to grow worse.

    Seeing that I was even farther from quitting I decided that I’d make it my New Years resolution to go cold turkey on PMO. I figured I’d have my fun the last few weeks of the year. I hoped that setting a hard quit date of January 1st would make it easy to quit. I told myself “A solidified date, something set in stone is all I need to completely stop.” I’m really disappointed to say that it’s January 10th and I’ve only been successful 2 days (non consecutive).

    Needless to say I’m finally realizing and accepting how hard quitting is actually going to be. I keep making excuses over and over and pushing my quit date/time period to later and later in life. I’m honestly realizing that I’ve been making the same exact excuses since high school. It’s like every single season comes around and I tell myself that “I’m going to quit next season. I’m too stressed or busy to try now. Next season It'll be easy to quit.” Well, it hasn’t been easy and I’m finally sick and tired of PM, my addiction to it, and my constant failure to quit it.

    I personally have never posted on a forum like this before. I don’t even like or post on social media very much. However, I’m running out of hope. I want to quit, I really, truly do. I know that I need to not just for my sexual health but more importantly for my mental health as well. I just don’t know how. I need help. I’m not totally sure how but I’m hoping posting on this forum will somehow help me overcome my addiction. I’ve read enough posts to see this website works for people and I’m hoping that I can be one of those people as well.
    Silent Watcher likes this.
  2. Silent Watcher

    Silent Watcher Fapstronaut

    Welcome, new friend. Glad to see you've made a serious choice to quit. I'm also new to the forum, just joined today but I'm already at 24 days without PMO prior to joining.

    I've also made half assed attempts at quitting in the past and I can tell you, the more you try to quit, the better you'll get at it. Good luck on your journey
    Dallas Jones likes this.
  3. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut

    The new year maybe failed, what about the rest of the year resolution?
    If you have no plan yet, join us.
    We're the nofap elite force. We're using the military way for training. Guidance will be provided when enlisted. It is you to make or break the rest of the year.
    @Silent Watcher you too welcome.
    Silent Watcher likes this.
  4. Can I ask you to try something. Give your best effort at 5 days. Don't think about how this is my last ever....and don't think if you fail there's no tomorrow. But give it a serious effort to DOUBLE your best. That'd be HUGE & very doable. Small bites my friend.