Experience with taking cold showers?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. Hello all.
    There's been many stating that they started to take cold showers. What's your personal experience with taking cold showers? Is it really so beneficial? Does it help with better erection strength at all?
    wicket likes this.
  2. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I like it. It clears my mind and makes me feel a bit primal because we used to clean ourselves with only cold water before heated water systems were invented in the modern world. I take a full cold shower every day.
    sith and Candun like this.
  3. Latin0CreamKing

    Latin0CreamKing Fapstronaut

    I enjoy it as well. I find it wakes me up more and just feels better than a hot shower. It's better for the skin too.
    I heard it boosts test, but I don't think a little temperature change for a couple min is going to to affect test much, but hey, maybe it does. It helps with discipline as well.
    I definitely suggest it.
  4. I enjoy them a lot, helps me focus on the present and not on my stress, It is also good for dopamine hits and mental toughness.
  5. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    I felt great taking them daily and have not had a streak worth mentioning since I stopped.


    Possibly because when I stopped for the longest I wasn't taking any. I might have had a four month streak I am mixing up with the cold shower streak either way I feel unmotivated to say I will take them daily again (what is there to lose other than comfort?) feel too weak and unresolved but also there is a growing urgency and desperation and also low testosterone calling me to try them again
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2021