Every young man's battle

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Improving Being, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. Improving Being

    Improving Being New Fapstronaut

    Hello, i am guy from russian forums of NoFap(they have different name but that's doesnt matters), i am actually not watching porn, not doing masturbation for nearly a month. That's is not that hard, because of the new method made by one wise man. I will try to translate that method to give you guys more chances at winning. [ for free obviously ]
    Ask questions if you got interested, i will answer you.
    The first rule that i didn't saw at this forum - is that people there actually not try to fight against sexual fantasies, because of that's the most important in winning. Because of exactly that thing - sexual thoughts, fantasies make 90% of "job".
    Dont you think that porn actually not makes you feel sexually aroused, your thoughts and fantasies - making you feel like you are "inside" the video makes, that's the point of fooling your mind my fellows.
    Like if you saw the "trigger' like the woman with too open clothes, the thing that makes you "triggered" is not she, but your thought making you think how would you have a sex with she.
    My words may be not that understandable because of my low english skills, but i beg you - that's pure truth.