Effective ways for reducing stress/anxiety

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BravelyKegger, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. As a highly sensitive person I am easily effected by my environment and the things I consume. Through trial and error, I have created an effective list of ways to reduce your stress and anxiety levels. If you have anything you would like to share I am all ears.

    1. Caffeine - high levels of caffeine leave me feeling shaky and anxious; I find avoiding it all together has greatly improved my well being. Small amounts of caffeine such as green tea are perfectly fine and will not effect you negatively.

    2. The news - I avoid the news all together these days. When I used to watch the news it would fill me with anger and bitterness, which is exactly what they want. The news is meant to make you feel whatever emotion they desire and they will use that to make you believe their agendas.

    3. Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha is a miracle supplement if one exists. You will almost instantly feel the effects and will become a whole different person within the span of a week. I strongly recommend everyone take this stress/anxiety reducing miracle supplement.

    4. Proper sleep - If you are not well-rested it will show. Lack of sleep causes agitation, low energy levels and is overall terrible for your mental well-being.

    5. Follow your intuition - I tend to get in trouble at work from time to time due to the fact that I ignored my gut feelings. If you know something will come back and bite you in the ass, do what must be done in order to prevent it. I always become so anxious after it comes back to me because I knew I could have avoided the situation if I would have not been lazy. So to sum this up, take care of the things you know will come back and bite you in the ass, so they will not become a source of stress.
  2. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Meditation and resistance training
    Sarah W likes this.
  3. StormyEvening

    StormyEvening New Fapstronaut

    As the other post, I would also add long walks in nature or just around your neighbourhood. Maybe stick in some music/audiobook/podcast or just notice your environment and label what you see in your head.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  4. Good points, thank you. My situation is a bit unique being in the Navy and on a ship most of the time, therefore I do not always have access to things like nature.
  5. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    i have and it doesn’t really work. only tried it out cause everytime i start nofap my general anxiety and social anxiety is amplified recieving the opposite benefits like increased confidence, less fucks given, and no social anxiety. which now all temps me to just relapse because people on this forum says “its just bs anyways” because i really miss it because im still waking up with headaches from time to time being on 93 days

    or is it just my brain just trying to trick me and wants me to go back to getting nowhere in life?
  6. I used to be extremely anxious and reserved, I couldn’t hold a conversation to save my life. 5 years later I am able to hold a conversation, maintain eye contact, not have awkward pauses in conversations, I am so much more out going then I used to be. It all comes down to life experience and exposure, you also have to constantly seek ways to improve yourself. The military really helped break me out of my shell and brought to light some issues I didn't realize I had. I have come to the realization that while PMO is bad, it's not generally the root cause for our issues.
  7. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    oh so nofap didn’t help you a bit then? now im wondering if its all worth it and i should just reset then.. its making my anxiety terrible. i only felt good on day 71. i i gave less fucks (i was a little bit more confident) and my anxiety reduced alot but all of that seemed to disappear for some reason.
  8. It all comes down to our mentality and beliefs at the end of the day. Masturbating in itself is not bad. However, porn is without a doubt bad for you. Quitting porn by itself will not fix you, it’s simply one of many things in your life needing fixed. For example, you could have a gross, smelly guy who lives in his mothers basement decide to quit porn, yet he has no socializing skills, no personal hygiene practices, no solid outlook on life, etc. some people require more work then others no doubt. I recommend asking those around you what they think your flaws are, a lot of the time we are unable identify issues by ourselves and require out side help.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024