Double Standards

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 28, 2017.

Do you think there's ghosts?

  1. Yes, they're spooky.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Nah

    14 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but they exist in a different realm. We can't see them

    7 vote(s)
  1. I have a group of 4-5 female friends back home. I pointed out that they're female for a reason.

    Last summer I remember I complimented one of them on their Patagonia sweatshirt bc she looked cute. She was like okay and everybody was laughing (laughing with, not at me). She got embarrassed as if I was hittin on her, I wasn't necessarily not hitting on her but still.

    Last week, another friend of the same squad, complimented my Patagonia sweatshirt. I just said thanks.

    But I'm I supposed to not react the same way? I wouldn't anyway but it's the same exact situation. Just funny.

    Women want more equalities, which if there are any more to get then I'm for it.

    But do we, both men and women, want women to be truely "looked at as equal"? I hold the door open for women and this isn't looking them as equal. Saving women and children isn't looking at women as equal.

    Just interesting thought
  2. Lol the ghost poll was an accident
  3. Haha I was gonna say um... what does this have to do with ghosts?

    But yeah, I think women (read: feminists) want either equality or superiority. Most of them don't seem to care to fight to lower a woman's value, or raise a man's value, in areas of life in which women are considered more valuable. They want more "rights," but they don't want to give up their special treatment. I personally don't think men and women should be treated 100% equally. Equal in value as human beings, sure. Like on a soul level, I don't think either men or women are more important or better than each other. But there are some valid reasons why we are treated differently in some ways, and to completely even the playing field and treat everyone exactly the same would eliminate all gender roles, and I think some gender roles have an important place in society.

    Like for instance, saving women and children first in an emergency. Men have always been considered more expendable as creatures, and I've heard that the reason for that is necessity in procreation. Women are more valuable in that sense, because one woman can only have a certain number of babies in her lifespan. Whereas one man can father many many more children, as all he has to do is ejaculate. So if we are thinking about what's best for society as a whole and the continuation of our species, we should protect the women more than the men, and the children more than the men for obvious reasons.

    As far as stuff like holding open doors... I'm not sure how that started, but maybe in the past, doors were actually big and heavy and it made sense for men to open them for the ladies? Idk. Doesn't bother me when guys hold a door open, but it also doesn't bother me when they don't.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2017
  4. I always wondered if women were ghosts myself. Now it all makes sense!

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Men and women should complement each other, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re different. Not better or worse; just different. There’s at least 6,000 biological differences between men and women. It’s like a magnet with a positive pole and a negative pole: there’s differences and those differences aren’t bad, but those differences make it work.

    However, when it comes to opportunity, or wanting to live life, then opportunities should be fair.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Jump ahead to 2:18.

  7. I feel that most people who say they want complete equality does not realize what they are asking for. They have simply heard some feminist politician on TV and now regurgitating all those fancy ideas without even realizing what would e the other side of a sword for accomplishing them. Or if they do, are not being honest about their real desires. What they really want is to have equal privilege in areas where they don't have it and to maintain unequal privilege in areas where they do have it. Equal privilege, unequal responsibility. That's not how true equality works.

    Another problem with it is that it would be impossible to maintain. Because the fact of biology is that we are not equal. Genders are different and behave differently. For example females will always be less strong physically and so at times in need for a hand from a male. When given a choice female will rather choose job as a psychologist rather than electrical engineer. They make babies so there is very high chance they eventually they will go on maternity leave or choose to work less hour cos they miss their children creating gender pay gap, cos they work less due to their decisions and as a result get payed less. We could try to even out that statistical imbalance by paying females more for same job and hours but that would be sexist against males. Like I said, biological differences also impact our behavior. A lot of similar examples like this.

    In a world where there is any kind of uncontrollable div diversity equality can never be achieved fully. And diversity is what life itself is made out of. It would be boring world where that would not be the case - where you could not distinguish male from female, could not change TV channel to watch something else and would not be able to tell your's and your neighbor's car apart, not even by number plate, cos they both would be the same.

    For this whole equality thing to work we all need to be and behave the same. And it's not how universe works.
  8. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Ooh, that makes a hell lot of sense :eek:
  9. Lol I have no idea if that's true, but it does make sense. There are usually reasons for these types of customs that are considered "polite." There's usually some valid reason why they began, aside from arbitrary politeness.
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  10. I like to stay politically aware and marvel at this rapid social decline but when it comes to living real life, its important to forget about all this stuff. When we get too caught up in MGTOW, Feminism and all the double standards, pronouns or PC whatever, you can kind of start projecting these ideas onto real people and it will prevent you from connecting with them. I hold doors open for men and women and if i see a women I find attractive, I flirt with her. No one has tried to throw me in jail or compare me to rapist yet so Im not going to worry about it.
  11. Lol! I thought you were drunk when you started this thread. :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
    But how on earth do you create a poll about ghosts by accident? This is so funny! Lol!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Lol I made a post about ghosts and deleted it but forgot about the poll lmaaooo
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Guys can be gay transgender it's lesbians and dikes not only straight people only woman can procreation rigbt.
  14. I have no idea what you're trying to say. That sentence made no sense. But if you're asking if trans men can also procreate, the answer is most likely no. The process of hormone treatments generally sterilizes you, so even though they have a uterus, their eggs would no longer be fertile. I'm not sure why that even matters, but there ya go.
    Deleted Account and Truegamer007 like this.
  15. Where does your username come from? If it comes from where I think it does I'm lit
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. The rapper Kendrick Lamar yup it's lit kdot my favorite Rapper in the game
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Aye, fuck w that
  18. I seem to be missing something. What does this have to do with being female or male? Some females would say thanks in this situation, some would ignore, some would be offended, some would be embarrassed. That's just her personality.

    Yours is to say thanks in the same situation.

    How is this anything to do with women and men? You have given one example of how one female and one male reacts in a certain situation. We don't know the lead up in conversation to the comment either. Nor the current and past relationship between you and her. We don't know the relationship between the person that complimented you and yourself. We don't know her normal personality, yours or the normal personality of the person that complimented you. Basically there are tens of variables if not hundreds. I don't see how this is anything to do with equality, male or female.

    As for the door thing, I'll hold the door open for anyone if they are within a sensible distance. Rather than letting it slam on their face. Doesn't matter if they are male or female. It's called being polite. If someone gets offended by that they can fuck off to be frank. As it's a polite thing to do to anyone of either sex, any age etc. Not sure what you mean by the saving women and children needs context.
  19. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Men and women are different and will never be looked at as the same.

    I think you are reading to deep into the shirt thing.

    And you shouldn't just hold doors for women. Hold doors for everybody.
  20. That's a very good point. People tend to be quick to jump to gendering problems as male or female, when in reality they are just human things, in general.
    Deleted Account likes this.