dog food and tearing up money

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by cleaningupmyact, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    hey so i read here that some guys eat dog food and another tears up money when they relapse. being the 'extreme' PMO person I am, Ive decided to do both !
    does it work? I dont know yet, but I think theres something to be said for the unpleasant sensations they give...something to be keeping myself accountable beyond the "oh no wont do that again" thought.

    one tricky part - on occasion ive given the money to a homeless person. but then i "feel good" which negates the point! a little torn (no pun intended) on that...

    anyone else self-discipline after a reset / relapse? what was the outcome?

    p.s. this dogfood tastes like shit, lol
  2. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    This site became trolling
    Revanthegrey likes this.
  3. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    i dont see whats trolling about this.
  4. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Never heard of this, at least the dog food. Fact of the matter is that it might work once or twice, but in the long run you aren't going to do what you don't want to do. It almost sounds like clickbait if I am being honest.

    As far as the money goes, tearing it is silly. I've tried having a money penalty when I relapsed before, but I would donate to charity. It's out of my account one way or another, and at least then it doesn't go to waste. As far as if it worked. I want to say resoundingly, no. It didn't seem to help me one bit.
  5. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    surprised at the responses here so far. its helped me for sure.
    as far as i see it, its about having the taste, sensation of something bad when the dopamine is kicking in from PMO. its letting the body know on a physiological level that something bad is happening - instead of the reward system thinking PMO is good. for that, it helps.

    donating to charity is good. but also theres something to ripping it up. i dont do it with a lot of money obviously, but the practice is a visual (again, affecting the body) reminder that acting out with PMO is bad.

    everyones different with their struggle. but im willing to try anything to myself to cut this addiction.
  6. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut


    Maybe there is something to it, the tactile sensation of ripping money or the mealy grit of the dog food. Kind of like people using make a chart of their debts in an open well used area and cross them out with a red marker as they knock them out. I am just saying I've never heard of it, and from what I think of it, it doesn't seem to be a good solution. I am still fighting for freedom though, so it's not like I've got it figured out. You can try it if it seems like it will be effective to you. Regardless of anything we all want you to find to find freedom from this plague.