Does weed slow reboot?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. Starting hardmode and wondering if smoking slows pied recovery
  2. rideronastorm

    rideronastorm Fapstronaut

    If I understood you correctly, you are trying to replace and addiction with another addiction. Definitely not the way to go.
  3. 4eyedfox

    4eyedfox Fapstronaut

    people don't think that delta 9 tetrahydrocannabidol (weed) and delta phos b (main dopamine chemical) have any relation but they are used by similar receptors and do have some effect on each other. But everyone has their opinions about this.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  4. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut

    I think you are better off to smoke or vape weed and achieve a 6 month PMO abstinence compared to [no weed and daily fapping].

    I dont see harm in using the weed for the first month or 2 of your reboot if it allows you to stay abstinent of PMO. But definately do avoid alcohol because when I get drunk I end up fapping and have zero resistence/willpower to not masturbate
  5. Sarutobi

    Sarutobi Fapstronaut

    When you are in this regime/lifestyle called NoFap, you will have to save as much willpower as possible; it is said that it is a finite resource. If you find that THC and CBD help you increase your willpower, then it is the way to go. In my experience I would say that it helps introspection for you to be aware of the problem that PIED causes in every aspect of your evolution into an emotionally balanced human being that needs no artificial sources of arousal and can find sexual fulfillment with real life interactions. Clearly, its intaking has to be performed in a controlled manner so that the know effects of it -in general unproductiveness- are not enforced. That being said I think that weed is not a good way to enhace self control, but that is just my personal opinion. If you find yourself in such a strong urge that there are only two options, the ones we've been discussing, then the option is clear.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  6. PercyPig

    PercyPig Fapstronaut

    Weed makes it way harder for me personally. Some of my relapses were on it. Even before this became a problem, i found that it made me very horny. I know i am not the only one from talking to people. And weed was a much easier habit to stop, so no brainer for me really. But if some people say it helps, i dont know.
    I guess you've already smoked before. Know what to expect?
  7. abhisek

    abhisek Fapstronaut
