Does our brain and body sense something is seriously wrong when we don't have internet access?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by skaterdrew, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Like I know we might feel more bored without the internet when we are indoors. But I am actually wondering if this discomfort we experience when we lose internet access might actually go beyond just boredom.

    Because when it comes to addiction and how dopamine works in addiction. All dopamine does is rise when it thinks something is potentially going to be rewarding. It remembers when we do something that the brain see's as rewarding, and it motivates us to go after these things that it see's as rewarding and good for our survival.

    So when we all of a sudden stop getting these high dopamine producing things, all of a sudden our brain thinks whats going on, and it see's this as bad for our survival. Likely raising stress hormones ext.

    My laptop broke for hours earlier on tonight, and I thought I wasn't going to be able to fix it. It might sound stupid but I felt awful from this earlier on. I didn't know what to do with my self and felt quite stressed at the fact I was going to need to try get my laptop fix, potentially not being able to get it fixed, and then potentially having to buy a new laptop

    I just felt completely lost without my laptop earlier on. I feel much more bored and I actually felt quite stressed.

    But thankfully I eventually managed to fix it, and it's quite sad, but see something I noticed is how much better I feel now, how much less bored I feel, how much less stressed I feel.

    I actually feel comfortable again. Where as earlier on I didn't feel comfortable at all without my laptop and the internet.

    I feel fine when I am outside doing something and I have no internet access, or when I am busy doing something else and I have no internet access. But yeah being indoors for long periods of time without internet access just seems to be an absolute killer. It honestly feels like something seriously isn't right when this happens.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
  2. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    I went tech free (no internet, phone, tv, video games) for streaks of 2 days, 10 days, 12 days and 5 days just recently.

    Honestly, I didn't miss it. It's not like I even filled that time up with anything particularly productive, sometimes I found myself just staring at the wall or out the window. It made me realise that I'm not addicted to the internet at least BUT my cravings for porn were much, much higher than when I go on a regular nofap streak. I don't know whether it's because porn was now so far away or because my dopamine levels dropped so low that my brain turned on the panic alarms but every day I just kept getting these thoughts of porn/sex that I just couldn't shift. It also made me realise that you can block porn at every level but you can't block what's in your head, well maybe with drugs you could but otherwise it's still a library of porn that you carry around with you everywhere.

    On the plus side I was getting insane morning woods during this time, I really don't think science fully understands how morning wood works but I'm pretty convinced that it's much more psychological rather than physiological as we've always been led to believe. I also feel like it's a shortcut to a quicker reboot if you can hack it.
  3. On the path

    On the path Fapstronaut

    This is because the internet is just as toxic and as poison as porn. I came on this site to ask a question and now I'm having difficulty getting off because getting responses and likes are addictive as hell. Looking at daily updated news, waiting for new texts and responses, just looking up shit on Wikipedia. The whole internet is addictive and it's easier to see when you try an internet-free reboot.
    TheBigJ likes this.
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    For me addiction is more to do with what the persons behaviour is like when they use something.

    So for instance you could get someone who is addicted to alcohol, who manages to stay clean from alcohol for a long time. But what is this persons behaviour like when they end up using alcohol again? What often happens is they go in to a binge where they keep drinking and get very drunk, drinking all day and all night, and this can even last for days.

    But then take someone who has a few drinks a few times a week, or even someone who takes a few drinks nearly every other night. Maybe this person once in a while drinks more than usual, but for the most part they just have a few drinks here and there.

    Can you see the difference with these two behaviours? One person struggles to control them self and struggles to stop drinking when they start, and feels a strong desire to keep drinking to the point of heavy intoxication. Where as the other person doesn't really feel the need to do this, and can just take a few drinks here and there.

    It's the exact same with PMO.

    You might get someone who can stay clean from PMO for long periods of time. But then when they do end up back on it they feel an uncontrollable desire to edge and binge on it, having sessions where they are edging, masturbating to it, flicking about hundreds of different content for hours before they ejaculate, and this can go on all day or for days. Basically they want dopamine to keep constantly rising in their brain from doing this. They want to keep getting the high from this. They keep wanting more of this.

    But then you might get another guy that masturbates to porn for 5-10 minutes, ejaculates and then that's them done. They don't feel this uncontrollable desire to keep doing it.

    Believe it or not, but there is actually guys who use porn in this way, who have for the most part always mainly used porn in this way. These are likely the guys that have never really had much issues with porn.

    These examples are the differences between an addict and a non addict.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's a high novelty platform. It's constant searching and finding something new constantly.

    There's no doubt it is a big problem.
  6. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree. I cannot relapse without binging, even if I have no desire for it I get into the mindset that I've already blown it so I may as well just completely fuck up and start again tomorrow, obviously I know this is beyond dumb but I still do it. The other thing is that I've never peeked and not subsequently relapsed so for me peek = relapse = binge.

    Back to the topic subject though. I did initially feel lost without the internet but I didn't miss it exactly, I wasn't craving it. If I had a life with lots of interesting things going on then I could do without it completely but sadly I don't. I'm only really on it so much because it's slightly less boring than doing nothing, I imagine that's the case for a lot of people.
  7. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think if I was out the house on a regular basis maybe working and doing other things I enjoy I think I would hardly ever use the internet.

    But I think the issue is with how much I am in the house I do want the internet. I don't use a smart phone, so when I am out the house I don't use the internet.

    Another thing you mentioned was how your cravings for porn were much higher when you gave up the internet. In my opinion the reason for this is resensitization. Resensitization is what we want to happen, especially if you suffer with PIED or any porn induced sexual dysfunctions. But ironically I actually believe resensitization could also cause us problems.

    Let me use another example with alcohol, as I also have issues with alcohol as well as PMO. When I am drinking alcohol frequently, so binge drinking every other night, basically I don't really enjoy the alcohol as much, but I somewhat feel like I need to do it, like the alcohol has got a hold of me. So I am basically doing it more but enjoying it much less. But then when I stop drinking completely for a few weeks, a month ext, I then begin to feel like the alcohol doesn't have control of me the same, but after a few weeks I begin to get this thought how good it would be to have a drink, how enjoyable it would be to have a drink, and it's at the point that the thought of this actually begins to excite me. So then when I eventually have a drink what I usually find is I enjoy the alcohol much more than when I was drinking so frequently. The effects from the alcohol are much better when I haven't drank for a while and then drink again. I believe this could be to do with resensitization.

    I believe the same thing happens with PMO. When I'm PMOing all the time I'm actually enjoying it much less, but I am doing it more frequently. It's as if the PMO has a hold of me, like it's controlling me, similar to the alcohol. I am doing it more but liking it less. But then once I stop porn and artificial sexual stimulation for a few weeks, a month ext, what I find is the porn and artificial sexual stimulation doesn't have the same control over me that it used to. But then it gets to the point the thought of seeing this porn and artificial sexual stimulation really excites me, the thought of PMOing really excites me. I am basically getting super horny at just the thought of this. Where as when I am doing it all the time I am basically finding it boring.

    I believe this is resensitization. Like I said we want to be resensitized. As when we are resensitized we will enjoy lower dopamine producing activities more. We will be very turned on at the though of a woman, we will be very turned on at being with a woman. But when we are PMOing so much we are desensitized and these things don't don't do it for us the same.

    But the issue with resensitization is when you become resensitized from being away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation as long, the issue with this is even the thought of this stuff can really get you going, your dopamine receptors are much more sensitive, and then if you actually see this stuff that's a whole other story because of how resensitized you are. So then PMOing at this point is very appealing, very arousing and very enjoyable. Your dopamine receptors are resensitzed and so sensitive to the point you now enjoy lower dopamine activities again. But then by PMOing which is extremely powerful at releasing high amounts of dopamine, you're going to sky rocket your brain with dopamine, your going to feel the extreme pleasure on these much more sensitive dopamine receptors by seriously edging and binging on PMO, and your resensitized brain will be feeling much greater pleasure from this than it was when it was desensitized.

    I believe this is what happens.