Does nofap help weight loss?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by yes_gamer, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. yes_gamer

    yes_gamer Fapstronaut

    I am currently trying to from fat to not fat, 6'3 250 pounds -down 10 pounds from about 4 weeks. I hjavent started nofap yet due to the inability to abstain, i dont seem to have enough want for it, so will it help with weight loss?
    GregHill likes this.
  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Nofap has nothing to do with weight loss. What could help though is when doing Nofap - you go exercise to get your mind off urges - but what's really pushing the weight loss is obviously the exercise itself.
    GregHill likes this.
  3. GregHill

    GregHill Fapstronaut

    In the last two years I have lost weight not a lot but two trouser sizes, I use the same method of thinking about choices that I use for nofap.

    Abstaining from PMO is much harder than loosing weight in my experience.
    The exercise really helps the nofap!!! I have been swimming and that little bit of extra tone and tightening up has boosted my confidence wrt pushing forwards with nofap as well as crushing those urges.
    I really hope you can start your journey with us.
  4. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    Yes technically there's a link. Testosterone increase causes fat loss.
    The best possible way to reduce fat though is fasting. I've been fasting for the past 8 months. Gone from 36 inches to 30.5. I now look like an underwear model. I fast 16 hours a day (intermittent fasting...look it up) and I didn't change my calorie intake the whole time, if anything I increased it by consuming more fats. It's the limiting of insulin that causes fat loss, getting your main source of energy from fats not carbs and not constantly replenishing your body with glucagon.
    FapistMonk likes this.
  5. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Lift weights, it burns more calories than running, and having more muscle increases your BMR.
  6. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Well if you are an addict, like me, then a period of PMO abstinence takes enormous self discipline. If you have good self discipline you will succeed in everything you try whether it's diet exercise regime career etc so it's well worth cultivating.
  7. Mithras

    Mithras Fapstronaut

    Start intermittent fasting 16/8, very easy to do you stop eating after 8 pm and start the day after not before 12:00. You can drink coffee or tea without any sugar and any fat. Drink a lot of water in the morning. You will notice more energy as well, I started in June I was not overweight at all but now my body is sharp combined with exercise, you're gonna be a beast.
  8. yes_gamer

    yes_gamer Fapstronaut

    quick question, what did you do during the fasting? any exercise or anything. Also what did you eat and did you use all 8 hours to eat.
  9. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Bulletproof coffee followed by intermittent fasting will help you loose weight by ton.
  10. I think nofap and weight loss (NoFap/NoFat) can go together. Part of the reason is that 35 years ago I quit smoking and drinking at the same time. You'd think that would have been more difficult, but it was actually easier, and I think it's cause I did those two things together most of the time. Not doing one, it was actually easier not to do the other. I had over a year of NoFap that ended a year ago and I have been struggling since. My weight is also way up. I woke up this morning wondering about some kind of accountability for weight loss. (I have a great NoFap accountability partner on this site!) Actually when I commit and attend Weight Watchers on a regular basis and follow the program, I lose. It's the commitment and the length of the relapses that makes or breaks me. But a friend once said, "The way you do something is the way you do everything." I think that's an old Buddhist idea, or at least it sounds like one. The other thing my friend said was, "When you work on something, you are working on everything." So maybe I am answering my own question. All my bad habits and addictions are connected. They all help me avoid feelings, and my overeating is no less dangerous than drinking and smoking and fapping. I think I'll start mentioning my weight along with my day count!
  11. I have had some mixed success with IF. My problem is that I can cram a lot of calories into an eight hour window, or even a 5 hour window. My addict is on to me and will compensate for the fasting as best it can. I am tweaking it all right now. Sometimes if feels like I have this general addiction that just has to come out somewhere. And if it doesn't come out here, it will come out there, like those leaky pipes in the old Three Stooges movie. That's an old Freudian idea, sort of the hydraulic pressure theory of the mind: if you repress it here, it will come out somewhere else. I want to get to the place where I am mindful and aware and simply don't have to stuff anything! But thanks for the nudge about fasting. I know for sure it's effective if I eat sanely in the window.