Does nofap help social anxiety?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sandsii, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Sandsii

    Sandsii Fapstronaut

    On 40 days now of nofap and my anxiety hasn't improved at all despite some of the success stories i've read.

    I know its not a magic pill of not fapping and all your anxiety is cured but I thought it might have at least helped with confidence or something.

    I'm doing other stuff to try and cure it also, read some cognitive therapy books, meditation, exercise, improved my diet (no alcohol/coffee) and i'm trying to get out of my house but it is just so stressful and such a struggle every single time. I want a new job but I just cannot get one because of this horrible fucking mentality. No friends, no gf I hate it so much. Not giving up yet by any stretch but at least pmoing helped relax me and satisfied me, even if only temporarily. Currently its all pain and no gain.

    Has nofap helped your anxiety? If so what else did you do? How many days of nofap did it take?
    Desperately waiting for a miracle but it feels like its not going to happen so need some inspiration
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  2. Kipling

    Kipling Fapstronaut


    I'm just beginning with nofap so I can't really tell, but from what I have read, benefits may take much longer to come than just 40 days. That's why this reboot thing is a minimum of 90 days process. However, take into consideration that anxiety has many roots and PMO is just one of them. If you can afford it, go to a therapist and try CBT and ERT. In any case, PMO does no good to anxiety and quitting it has been a good decision. Escaping from reality by PMOing just reinforces your problem, as your subconscious mind considers what you are trying to scape from as something harmful.

    The only way to face your anxiety and overcome it is to deal with the situations that generate this anxiety, not to avoid them by PMOing or any other activity. That way you will only make your fears stronger.

    I wish you all the luck of the world.

    Best wishes,

    A social anxiety sufferer
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  3. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    I have major depression and the anxiety it produces is crippling sometimes. I see you meditate and exercise etc. That is good but you have to do these things on a consistent basis to see the benefits. Have you ever heard the saying "It wont happen overnight." Be patient my friend. Social anxiety is a withdrawl symptom of PMO and these effects can last up to two years. So what im trying to say is, to get the maximum benefits of NOFAP you must have to remain in abstinence for two complete years for you brain to substantially rewire/repair/reheal itself. It is possible. There are members here who have success stories, it is unbelievable. Keep doing what you are doing and be patient, one day you might not even notice yourself starting to be more social. Thats what I mean by It wont happen overnight or the next day or three weeks from now.
    Sandsii, sectumsempra and Kipling like this.
  4. Devil's Details

    Devil's Details Fapstronaut

    If you have social anxiety keeping you from going out, you fap too much (whatever that means to you) because you're isolated all the time. There's only so many things you can do cooped up in your house. If you've stop fapping but just replace that time with say, video games instead, you've make exactly zero progress, except in at least you'll start finding normal women more attractive... but you still won't be able to land one, which actually can be worse.

    If you want to address your social anxiety, address the cause, not the symptom. You have to go out and be social.

    Most social anxiety is caused by a lack of success in the social sphere. That can have a number of causes... whether it's you don't know how to handle common everyday interactions, you're the bottom of your social totem pole, whatever it is. But it is your responsibility to address the issue.

    I started out coming from a town of 300 people, and thus had no idea how to talk to strangers and make friends when I came to the city... there are no strangers where I come from. So I started out by learning a new one (or two) liner joke every day, and telling it to everyone I met. Bank tellers, grocery baggers, bus drivers, etc. etc. Soon people began to recognize me, and with a smile at that. Which builds confidence, which allows another step forward, etc. etc.

    Are there any clubs in your area in your area of interest? Have a look around, see if there's anything that even vaguely interests you. Toastmasters or any kind of public speaking club will do wonders.
  5. 40 days might be too soon to see the benefit. Fapping for sure increases my social anxiety because I am not able to compartmentalize and my supercharged (by orgasms) fantasies are ever in the background in real life. Either in the form of sexual exhaustion, or increased lustful thinking which causes me to increase and decrease my interest in someone based on how hot they are to me etc. etc.

    That all being said fapping is not the root of my social anxiety. It's just a poison pill that makes it much worse.

    Here is a line of thinking is something that helped me a lot: Most people who experience social anxiety are looking to get something out of the interaction. Their anticipation and hope of getting it, and their dread of not succeeding to get it is what causes the anxiety. They may be looking for admiration, affection, affirmation, sexual appreciation, sex etc. etc. So knowing this change your mind. Decide you will not get anything out of the next social interaction. Instead decide to give something. Give your attention to someone. Notice that since you are not looking to 'get' anything it matters nothing whether you like / respect / or find this person hot. It can be anyone. Find out what is going on with them, listen to what they have to say, and answer as kindly and honestly as you can. Give them your attention and companionship for a few minutes.
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