Does even get easier?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Orpheus, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Orpheus

    Orpheus Fapstronaut

    After countless 2-4 day streaks and relapses I have finally gotten to 8 days without PMO. However every day I come so incredibly close to breaking. At least once a day I will be in my room, and suddenly I'm looking around on porn sites, it takes all my self control but I eventually come to my senses and shut my laptop.

    On the plus side I do seem to have a lot more energy and confidence around women, and for some reason, women tend to notice me more. My only fear is that I literally get turned on by anything and am horny all the time, is there any point where this starts to get easier? Because at the moment I know I'm either going to break soon, go crazy, or have a wet dream, it's just a matter of time.
  2. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    You are going through a natural process mate.You will need strong will power to avoid all the stimulation or thoughts at first.But if you could resist those then you will feel better.Thats a normal way of rewiring your brain.What you experience now is craving of your brain chemicals.Fight these days,Good days are about to come.Save your energy now so that you will feel the Goodness after this Storm
    Deleted Account and zeral like this.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Yes, it does get better.

    To do this requires planning. Make specific plans for your time, so you don't have so much "do nothing" time, when you'll end up online, looking at porn. Move your computer out into a public area. If someone asks why, just say, "I like it better here." Or, say, "I don't waste as much time online when I'm out here."

    There are internet filters, but others have experience with those, not I.

    Also, I suggest you find ways to burn off energy. Exercise, go places, be busy. Spend time with other people. Plan to do really fun things. Replace the brain-chemical rush of fapping with the brain-chemical rush of something else that isn't wrecking you. Make sense?

    Hang in there. Keep coming back.
  4. 8BitsOfStuggling

    8BitsOfStuggling Fapstronaut

    Wet dreams are natural and 100% okay.
  5. BlackVelvet

    BlackVelvet Fapstronaut

    Bonjour @Orpheus

    It does get better! You just have to do something else then simmering with your surge. Horniness will come around like a truck sometimes, but just give it time and it will subside. The only way things won't get better is if you give up!

    Au revoir,
  6. pourover24

    pourover24 Fapstronaut

    I understand your pain man. I'm going through a similar season right now. I go for a little while and feel great, then I get tripped up by looking at something "soft", maybe even randomly on TV...and then I'll struggle like mad for a couple days...getting closer and closer to the edge, and then I relapse.

    Sometimes I can recover from a "harmless" glance at a hot woman on TV or something, but a lot of times, that is where is starts. If I give up ground there, I typically slide downhill towards a relapse. Are there "softer" things you're looking at before you get to the point of browsing a porn site? Because, for me, I never jump straight into a porn site. Its starts with a soft search.