Do you guys tell your friends/loved ones about your process?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MinaClavero, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. MinaClavero

    MinaClavero Fapstronaut

    I am a 17 year old female and I'm on my 27th day of recovering from compulsive MO and sometimes P.
    I just told my therapist and my best friend about it because I think my friends/loved ones would judge me.
    Did you guys told your friends about it? Maybe it's easier for you if you're males because M/P is not socially 'tabooized' for men, but... what do you think?
  2. Champ39

    Champ39 Fapstronaut

    I told my best friend about it, that's it. I think it could help to mention it to one or two trusted people that know you very well and will understand you, but I post certainly wouldn't tell my whole family and social circle about it. And even then I only told my friend about it after being on my current streak for 3 months (I'm over 4 months in now; I wanted to talk about my flatline). But this is just my opinion, feel free to do what you think is best for you.
    MinaClavero likes this.
  3. Rikarwb

    Rikarwb Fapstronaut

    I would say that is equally hard, since society has that idea that "If a man has an addiction, SPECIALLY if it's a sex related addiction, that guy is a stupid pedophile pervert" ... At least that's how i see it :D

    I never told anyone ( except for NoFapCommunity ) about my addiction, or process to get rid of it. I am a 17 yo male, and i know if i told people i knew, i would get completly destroyed socially ( and I'm not very social to start with :p ).

    It's always good to tell someone your darkest secrets ... but that's what NoFap is for. You express yourself to people that aren't going to judge you, because they have similar problems. But if you are TRUE friends in real life, i doubt they would judge or tell anyone ... they would try to help you !

    But take this with a grain of salt: I have social anxiety, and maybe that affects how i see life ( and people ). I never share a lot of my life ( in real life ) because i just have not found someone who i truly trust or care about. But maybe you did ! If you think it helps telling them, do it. If not, do that on NoFap :)

    Good luck !
    MinaClavero likes this.