Do you ever sick of watching edgy movies

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BootstrapBill, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. BootstrapBill

    BootstrapBill Fapstronaut

    Like were talking about escalation and porn .

    You just have to look at the shit in movies . Literally everything we watch is edgy everything gets more and more edgy to watch to the point everything you see on Tv or movies is about suspense , thrill seeking .
    Raven King likes this.
  2. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    Yes, I think that the fact that we become aware of this is a sign of recovery. We live in a very perverted culture, and sex sells. Most people are used to it and many like it, so did I. Now it is just obvious to me what manipulative trash it is. Same goes for TikTok and Instagram, it's full of men and women using their looks to get attention and money. I believe humanity can and should rise above this.
  3. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    It's why romcoms exist. And Adam Sandler. Gotta cleanse that palate.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  4. Yeah it's even a part of a lot of sci-fi, it isn't necessarily any interesting concept but a lot of suspense. Actually rather disappointing that way.
    BootstrapBill likes this.
  5. 7matrix

    7matrix Fapstronaut

    We have a thing called choice. You choose what ideas, images, thoughts, influence you want to absorb. So you should be purposely choosing and being smart with what you absorb. I just don't see any other way if you are bothered with edgy or whatever etc content. Some don't get negative impact from content like that, others do and should be mindful what they take in as I said already.
  6. Yeah, sometimes I feel tired of stuff like that. I like thrillers and intense movies, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for it. I used to watch stuff a lot that was kind of dark and more depressing, but lately these days I just can't handle that right now. So I watch a lot of romantic comedies or other lighthearted stuff. Or rewatch old movies that are comfortable and familiar. Just relaxing stuff.

    But I still love a good thriller! As long as I'm in the right mood for it. But straight up tear-jerkers, like movies about kids with cancer or something, are basically on my no-go list nowadays. I'm sad enough about real life, I don't need to watch a movie that's nothing but depressing.
  7. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I went down this rabbit hole several times when i was younger. Now i basically just watch comedy. Life is stressful enough! :)
    CodeTalker and TakingTheSteps like this.
  8. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview Fapstronaut

    It seems today that all you see is violence in movies and sex on TV...

    My biggest problem with modern media is how it's all either subversive crap written by people high on their own farts, or pandering childish nonsense. Very little exists in the middle ground.

    Let's take Star Wars as an example - hot take, but I detest EVERY part of Disney Star Wars, not just the films, even the shows. Stuff like Last Jedi is subversive rubbish designed to tear down the old to prop up the new. Stuff like the Mandalorian is less about a cool bounty hunter and more about bringing back old characters for cameos. Obi Wan looks the same. I don't care that the Sith Inquisitors or Imperial Guards are in it, I want a good story!