Do you believe in ghosts

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ankur Sharma, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    I've never experienced anything with ghosts or hauntings, but I think it's possible. I had a pretty odd experience when I was younger that kind of freaked me out. A girl I was really into showed me this thing she'd read about where you basically enclose yourself in a room and face a mirror. It was day time, so we had to blot out light using towels and washcloths, and I went in to this room without knowing what was up. I sat for five minutes, and I just felt my gaze drawn into the mirror, like someone was watching me. It was super uncomfortable, and I couldn't look away no matter how hard I tried. The room was pitch black, so you couldn't see anything, but if felt like someone was staring me down. I eventually had enough and walked out. When I did, I felt panicked. My girl (who was a friend but not quite a girlfriend) splashed water on my face and hurried to close the door. I cannot explain that away as merely imagining things. I don't know what it was that I experienced, but I know beyond a doubt that I experienced it.

    I do not have any sort of spiritual or religious belief, but I do believe that we live in a universe where anything could happen to anyone at any time. Think about it: you could walk down a street at noon and not see another person. Another person could walk down that same street moments later and get mugged. It has nothing to do with luck, coincidence, or happenstance, it's just random.

    Whenever people talk of seeing ghosts or experiencing something paranormal, I don't discount it. How could I? Afterall, I wasn't there with them. A skeptic could try to see for themselves by investigating, but chances are they won't find anything. Like I said, random.
    Samilo likes this.
  2. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    Kinda. I believe that there are...things. Not exactly spirits or ghosts.
    Ankur Sharma likes this.
  3. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    If they aren't there you certainly create them with these thoughts, if they are there but don't mean to harm you'll might offend them with these thoughts. If they are there and mean harm well I don't even know for real if there is anything there. I recommend not creating something that isn't there. ofcourse there can be a certain energy in different places but by thinking about it you might see things from a influenced perspective. If you excpect to see something bad you're more like do to so. Example: maybe you excpect to see a ghost or evil spirit or something and you hear something near one of those strange places. In reality it was a mouse or a frog, bird, the wind or whatever but because you expected a ghost your mind is going to give you that ghost.

    I don't know if there are ghost, I do believe in energy and how it can travel through the either. But I don't believe in the pure evil there is no sense in it, on this world and in this universe everything is made up out of laws and logic. I can't tell what made the universe or something thats beyond my understanding but "pure evil" doesn't exist in our beautiful world. If there is a ghost or something with energy it's most likely combined with love since love is a mighty force which might is able to create certain spirits.

    However you choose what you believe but don't forget that whatever it is you believe will become a certain truth for you.

    Ankur Sharma likes this.
  4. No, after is wake up everything is normal
  5. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    When I wake up, I l almost always see a shadow of something walking around my room. It seems to be a woman but I can never really tell. I can usually move fine but I just don't want to until it goes away.
    I still wouldn't call her a ghost. Just a manifestation of some kind of negative energy that presented itself as a shadow. I also occasionally see an elderly woman with black hair in the corner of my eye standing outside of the bathroom.
    Has anyone ever woke up out in the woods? That happens to me from time to time. My anti-depressants cause sleep walking and I live near a forest so it's probably just that.
  6. this is very very frightening, do you live alone?
    NamelessJohn likes this.
  7. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

  8. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

    I have a roommate but he's gone all day and asleep all night. The opposite of my sleep schedule. I sleep until noon usually and he's at work or classes by then.
    I've had this problem since I was kid. (Except for the sleep walking. That didn't come along until I started taking my medicine)
    I believe that what I'm seeing isn't supernatural and is just natural part of life that most people ignore. These things don't seem to harm me other than scare me lol
    Ankur Sharma likes this.
  9. Samilo

    Samilo Fapstronaut

    You might want to google "old hag" & "Sleep paralysis" I know you said you can move, but it's normally associated with seeing shadow figures, there's t a few perspectives on it. Some say it's all in your head because your not fully awoken. Others say your being targeted by some kind of negative entity. I personally believe it's some kind of entity of some sort, I've noticed I don't get it anymore because I've become a lot more positive recently. Anyway, a bit of research will help you out I think. :)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  10. Samilo

    Samilo Fapstronaut

    Like I said earlier you won't be affected by this sort of thing if you learn not to fear it (Not saying that you do) but there must be a reason why your seeing this shadow women. When it next happens, try not to panic and not focus on it. It's like when I got sleep paralysis, the more scared I got the more intense the hallucinations got and the fear grew and ended up happening more often.
  11. Samilo

    Samilo Fapstronaut

    It might not be neither, but there's alot of stuff related that might help you understand more about this shadow woman stuff, it's all mind blowing that's for sure.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  12. NamelessJohn

    NamelessJohn Fapstronaut

  13. Aldrich8100

    Aldrich8100 Fapstronaut

    I also never seen but my belive on them. I think they are existing in this world.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2015
    Ankur Sharma likes this.