Displacing Darkness

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tacticooldude, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Tacticooldude

    Tacticooldude Fapstronaut

    It's been 19 days since I last PMO'ed, a personal best. I gave up PMO fairly recently, and for a while I was struggling, giving into temptation about once a week. I'm LDS, preparing to go on a mission, so any kind of sexual activity, thoughts, anything, is no good at all for me. But I recently read some stuff that really changed my approach to combating my addiction, and it's about light and dark. Basically, in order to displace darkness, you need to be a light. Darkness just doesn't go away because you tell it to. It's always going to be there unless you introduce light. That light can be your faith or participating in wholesome activities or it could be friends and family helping you out.
    The easiest way to create "light" to push away "darkness" (those thoughts that make you want to give in) is by participating in an activity that consumes your entire attention. That could be a high paced sport such as basketball, or by meditating, or going to work.
    One of the other ways I've helped steer clear of temptation is to simply put myself in situations where I can't be tempted. I'm constantly going out and doing things, whether its hanging out with friends, airsofting with my team, or simply reading a book out in the park. I put myself into a situation where temptation becomes impossible. This has made me a much more productive person, and solidified friendships and relationships.
    I used to be truly addicted, much more than I'd ever want to admit. But I'm finally breaking free and it's absolutely outstanding to be out of bondage to addiction. The universe will never give you a task you can't complete, so I know that you can break free as well.
    Getter Better and Dailydoer like this.
  2. Dailydoer

    Dailydoer Fapstronaut

    Thats amazing. Congrats brother and carry on.
  3. History

    History Fapstronaut

    Keep up the good work. You have found some of the right tools to reach your goal, and the longer you go the easier it gets. Displace the darkness with light. Don't get complacent though. I've had relapses after long stretches of abstinence because I stopped doing the positive things that kept me away from (and not thinking about) porn. Visit this site frequently for support and read your scriptures to prepare for your mission.

    I have a question for you and other people your age. I'm old enough that my first exposure to pornography was long before the Internet existed. I came upon it the first time quite by accident when I found a magazine on the sidewalk while walking home from school. I don't know that there is much that a parent could have done to prevent me from seeing it in that case. Unfortunately, it is so much more accessible now and I suppose it is inevitable with just about everyone that they will come across it eventually, but as a parent I would like to prevent it from happening for as long as possible. What do you think that a parent can do to delay a child's first exposure to pornography? Clearly teaching children the dangers of pornography are one component of it and setting up Internet filters are another, but do you have any additional suggestions?
  4. Tacticooldude

    Tacticooldude Fapstronaut

    I was introduced to pornography by "friends", it was at one guys house when no parents were home. I probably could have avoided exposure to it in the first place if my parents had a rule that parents always had to be home when I was hanging out. I know that when I eventually have kids, I'm always going to make sure that if they're hanging out with friends at my house, my wife or myself is home, and if they're hanging out at a friends house, one of their parents is home.