Discipline and endurance

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Hi fellow Christian fapstronauts. I failed again. It's over 20 years of failure. I know what God says in the Bible and what I ought to do but I don't do it. I'm a grown man still feeding on milk, not growing up. I keep going back to PMO within a week. I question if I truly love God and know salvation. I don't have discipline in my life and little endurance. I know I have to stop feeding the PMO and feed on God but the PMO seems to win out. Those who have better success, how do you build your discipline and endurance? I know I can't rely on my own strength to overcome. This is a stronghold. I think I will grow old and die still failing.
  2. You can read more in my journal, but basically, when I got serious about eliminating PMO from my life, I gave it everything I had. It still wasn't enough, but I needed to give it my all, anyway. I did meetings, I changed careers, I put accountability software on all my devices, I confessed to my wife and many friends, I check in daily with my APs, etc., etc.

    if you are ready to give it your all and not give up, no matter what, you will have victory. In fact, if you are 100% committed to the process, then success in recovery is 100% guaranteed!

    If I can be of service to you in any way, please let me know.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
    Kyrie eleison!, Gazz20 and mrtumnus like this.
  3. Tao Jones, sorry for the delay to respond. I thank God for you. I don't mean to puff you up, but I am grateful for another Christian guy who is committed and an example for us here. I've been refocusing on the Lord and it's been much better. 8 days since I PMO-ed. It's been good to draw closer to God which I wasn't doing consistently. He is so gracious and a Father like no other. I thank him for meeting me though I continually fall. When I don't do my responsibilities or get lack of sleep, I am more prone to triggers and sexual thoughts. I beat myself up over my failures instead of looking to Christ the victor. It is apparent that I have not been willing to give it my all or give Christ my all and rest in him. I have a long way to go but looking to him again and bringing every thought captive to Christ. There are bad habits I have that need changing with God's grace and power. Learning to abide in Christ and watchful.

    I don't know if I'm ready to tell my wife. I can't imagine the pain it would cause her. Maybe I am only trying to protect myself from the trouble it would bring to tell my wife. I want to be more honest with her. It'll be devastating. She's finding it difficult to walk with the Lord for many years. How did your wife take it when you told her? How and when did you approach the subject of your struggle with PMO? I don't know if I have the courage to take the steps you did.

    I appreciate your presence and words here and on the forum. You are an encouragement to many here. God bless you and keep you in Christ.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2020
  4. The FREEdom process that I often refer to is a sure path to victory over any chronic and entangling sin. If you have not read "More Than a Sunday Faith" (Suitt) yet, I highly recommend it.

    I told my wife after I had a bit of sobriety under my belt. The Spirit convicted me that I could not continue on in living a lie before her and everyone. It was one of the hardest, scariest days of my life. I clung to the first stanza of Psalm 119 as if my life depended on it. I was nauseous contemplating what the revelation of my sin over the entire first 15 years of our marriage would do to her. She took it very well, considering, but there were definitely some tense days and weeks afterwards. She did admit that had I crossed the line into cams or any sort of actual interaction with another live human being, that would have been the end of our marriage. I am forever grateful I never veered into that territory.

    I continue to pray for you and cheer on toward a new and better kind of life in Christ. He loves you more than you know and desperately desires for you to be free of PMO. He has so much better in store for you if you will lay down your burdens and receive what he has to offer. Let 2020 be the year you say "no" to self and "yes" to Christ once and for all. You will not regret it!