Difference between FACING TRIGGER & PEAKING??

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by PMO addict1, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    When I try to face triggers I get aroused and urges to fap I am slowly trying to train my mind to view goodlooking women like a human being and not as any object By facing trigger i dont mean watching porn or sexaual scene.. It just mean watching attractive women In Movies amd T.V just their face and not anything sexual..... And In this process I feel aroused.. but I dont fap...I try my best not to lust on them and see them as human, still some time i start lusting But within a moment when I feel i am lusting I leave that place. Although my intentions are good. ...BUT ... ISN'T it equal to PEAKING.???? because I get lusty feeling and arousal.. .. But thats the ting i want to end. & stop objectifying women .. SO IS IT LIKE PEAKING ???
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
  2. MusicMakingMonk

    MusicMakingMonk Fapstronaut

    Well, are you watching movies and TV just to "face your triggers"? Because that sounds like a bad idea, especially if this causes you to relapse...
    As far as stopping objectification, I think this happens naturally over time as you give up lustful behavior and disengage from lustful thoughts, and I think that if you fixate too much on not being aroused when you see an attractive woman (I don't think that will ever go away unless you chemically castrate yourself) you are only creating more mental tension that then causes more frustration and more lustfulness. The best advice I can give you is
    1) avoid porn and other erotic material as much as you can (this may mean adjusting your taste in movies and TV too)
    2) Catch yourself when you're fantasizing about sex
    3) If you find a woman in real life attractive, go talk to her , have a conversation with her, find out what her personality is like, what her interests are, this is the quickest way of seeing someone as human instead of an object of your lust.
    Sometimes they won't even give you the time of day, other times, you'll have a great chat, don't worry about rejection. You will be rejected but you will also equally be accepted by other women too.
    Fysiker and SynapticMagic like this.
  3. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    You have the right mindset with facing triggers, but you're going about dealing with the arousal all wrong. The point isn't to never be aroused, but instead, to learn what to do WITH that arousal. Due to the way that porn conditions us, recovering porn addicts often confuse healthy arousal with the feelings associated to the addiction. Being aroused by an attractive woman will never go away, and you shouldn't seek to remove that arousal. When we relearn how to properly navigate our feelings of arousal we reintroduce ourselves to a very beautiful source of energy. The issue is that you've developed a lot of resistance and shame to that energy and so you've confused the resistance and shame with the feeling itself.

    Decoupling arousal from resistance and shame is a long process, but the following technique is a great place to start:

    Sexual Energy Manipulation
    1. Open yourself to your body, briefly scan it from head to toe.
    2. Identify the hot point in your body, usually the penis, sometimes the nipples. Might be different for you so don't close yourself.
    3. Begin using your breath to move this "energy" or "heat" around the body
    4. With the inhale, imagine that this energy is moving with the breath from that hot point down into one of your feet
    5. With the exhale, imagine that this energy and the muscular tension within the leg are moving out of your leg and out your mouth
    6. Repeat this with the same leg once more
    7. Repeat this 2x with the other leg, your stomach, each side of your chest, each arm, your neck, and your head
    8. Then, with each inhale imagine that the energy in the hot point is swelling, and with each exhale that energy exits your mouth
    9. Repeat step 8 until you find that the urge to give in has left you
    This is a great process for learning to not only manipulate sexual energy, but also to accept and be okay with the sexual energy. As I said above, as porn addicts we often begin to vilify, demonize, and reject our own arousal and sexuality. This is not the path to healthy sexuality, this is simply the path to another form of sexual pathology. Rather than having a frenetic sexual energy, we instead have a suppressed sexual energy.

    Also as a side note, when I say, "energy," I don't necessarily mean there is some sort of energy moving around your body. Use it as a metaphor if you'd like to help you visualize the sensory experience of arousal.

    The path out of addiction is to learn to love and embrace arousal. Learn how to be okay simply being aroused without needing to act on that arousal. As I said, the process I explained above allows us to take our power back from our arousal. Rather than being at the whim of our arousal, our arousal is at our whim.

    There are different levels of arousal manipulation, this is the first.
    PMO addict1 likes this.
  4. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    But I cant stop being home all the time.. I have friends who plans to go to movies but I refuse to go EVERY time .. Its been 2 years.. I have not gone to a theatre.. Except one time when I decided to watch movie and ended up relapsing after coming home
  5. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    Thats the best read I have done in a while
  6. pump20

    pump20 Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem too when I go out of the public especially at work. I remember that one time I had to help that woman who has jeans on with her wide hips and big booty. I had an erection while I was helping her to get the product from out of reach. Most of the time when I see females with their wide hips and big behinds, I flee as fast as I can to avoid being noticed. It's a hit or miss thing. In my opinion, it's real and way better than pixels and videos from the computer screen because they're fake. I'm still having lustful thoughts, but I do my best not to FMO because that's the worse thing to do. Need to have mind control and body will adjust, but don't rush it and be patient.
  7. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    i am facing all my triggers since last 10 days... despite having arousal... With a mindset that I am not going to fap to it...