Did I accidentally restart my video game interests?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Fractured Mindset, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Honestly I'm trying to decide what games I would like to play soon, but I can't decide on a single one on Steam. It also doesn't help that I'm not even sure if my life is going to be stable long enough for me to really invest money into a game. I'm really just trying to focus on learning Linux.

    For some reason I've been wanting to try disc golf lately.
  2. The feelings are flaring up again- my idea of what I want to do is set a side a small portion of my paycheck and start saving up for some stuff I used to own once the new year hits. However, I'm thinking I could use that method to save up for some more pricey camera stuff as well. this also has to do with me handling my money better, as I now have a rent to pay, food to buy, blu rays to pre order (though less and less) and some of my photography related things are either starting to fail or end up breaking, plus a bunch of new(ish) films are getting released onto the market.
  3. Unless a game is so high end you want it right now, if you have a console (aside from Nintendo maybe), just wait a year and you'll see prices of games cut in half, easily. Buying second hand is a wise option as well.

    Just be smart about it and only stick to the games/genre you know you are going to enjoy.
  4. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    Here's what came to my mind when I first read the topic title.

    "There is not accidentally restarting an interest. The interest never stopped, it was just filed away in the back."

    Becoming and adult and actually having to take care of our selves?

    My recommendation is to stay away from the games. I didn't and I feel like it's harder for me to focus on other things now that I'm in my late thirties. My opinion is that video games, gaming sites and forums, YouTube and any other online community gave me a false sense of socialization. Basically, out of high school I delved into online communities and games like Phantasy Star Online. I didn't start going out places until my mid twenties, by that time I was a fish out of the water.

    In the past few weeks I've gone from playing The Battle for Wesnoth, to watching a King's Quest Six play through, looking back into Starmade and last night installing StarCraft II. This is not counting netflix, anime, and other YouTube and internet wandering.

    Porn is behind me and tapping on my back. All this other stuff rushes in to fill the porn void. If I'm not careful, porn will jump back in.

    I do believe it is possible for a person to revisit some interests from youth. Without the right maturity I find it to be a hindrance to life. Some things have there time to be set aside. Attempting to hold onto them can harm our potential enjoyment of them later in life. Call it delayed gratification.

    The best to every ones journey.
  5. a few things. First, a lot of the stuff I sold I got back in the day when it was dirt cheap, now (I won't look it up until I'm ready to make a commitment), but I feel like one used game would cost me 40-60 right now.
    second, when I'm in school, I only bring in around 200 a week, and have to drop 150 a week for rent.
    third, if I do do this, I'm going to make a saving plan first.
    I don't know what happened, I drifted away from games as my depression worsened, and in the months after quitting masturbation, after reviewing the endings of one of the games I still owned I suddenly wanted to re experience and re own those games. if I do return, I don't see myself being nearly as obsessed as I was.
    I've been on an emotional flux for the past year now, and just went through a lot of school stress. I'm pretty sure my mind doesn't know what to do with itself.
  6. johnmarston2001

    johnmarston2001 New Fapstronaut

    I’d argue games are worse than porn, by going “back” all you’re doing is not only setting yourself up for complete failure, but also giving into your addiction.

    Both are unnatural, and that’s why the people of society are so mindless and brainwashed today to play mindless things as useless as games... a video game is nothing more than corrupt companies looking to make a profit off the weak man, who cares about “endings” to such a trivial thing? I mean really ask yourself, Is this advancing your career? Making you a stronger man? Or just improving literally any aspect of your life for the better? No, it’s just making you look like a beta, and honestly a fool.

    Start acting like a man and do real things that are difficult in life like heavy lifting at the gym, running a marathon, cold showers every day, thinking and acting like an Alpha, etc. Because the only thing people would know about you after death, would be that you’re “that guy” who just sat on his ass and played games all the time.

    Trust me man, you don’t want to go down that road. God certainly wants you to live a more challenging life than this...
    Aragorn36 likes this.
  7. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    @Fractured Mindset To me it sounds like porn had replaced gaming as a higher charged emotional coping mechanism. Gaming is now rushing back in to fill that void. I do recommend finding something else to fill it. You are at a turning point in your life. Where are you going to go? (This is a question I still struggle with.)
    Aragorn36 likes this.
  8. One thing to keep in mind though-
    I have practically zero interest in modern stuff- I fell out of touch with modern gaming culture in 2012. Money is going to be a massive setback if I decide to return (ie, this would be a slow process of me saving small bits of money), and I don't think I'd play every single day.
    movies began to replace my gaming interests in 2012, and while I'm actually pursuing film/video as my major, I still don't get the opportunity to watch a movie every night.
  9. Last night- I wound up playing a few video games with my cousins. I had a great time but don't have any serious impulses. The content wasn't particularly familiar or nostalgic though.