Desperate times for the unlucky few

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Improv3r, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    Coming in with the desperation topic today I want to share a quote with you that made me feel really bad.
    I was wasting few minutes while working on a video about why young men have zero sex. It was an interesting approach to different theses as to why we are in decline.
    As usual I started reading the comment section and my eyes got stuck on one particular quote:

    Evolutionary Psychology states that in a resource rich environment females (of all complex species) will revert to a short-term mating strategy i.e. lots of sex with High Value Men, because females have the resources that they need. In a resource poor environment females implement a long-term mating strategy i.e. pair-bond with the best male they can get and stay with them, because they need the resources of the male. We are currently in the most resource rich environment our species has ever seen.

    It got me thinking what incredibly awful, stupid, crazy, misguided and useless decisions I have made during my younger years to be where I am today.
    I reached a point in my life where I am happy with my job FINALLY.
    After years of struggle (10 to be exact) I am now in the business I strived to be in since my university days.
    I had multiple relationships with girls some I still cherish to this day!
    Girls with brilliant minds that I considered friends above partners.
    Most were even marriage material yet there were walls that we couldn't pass so we had to split.
    To this day I feel incredible warmth for some of them.
    As agnostic as I consider myself (although raised a Christian) I even prayed to God for them to have the most amazing lives as they can!
    To be healthy and have great partners to take care of them!

    Yet... as I read the above comment from the video, considering how old I am and the times we live in, I started growing very detached from the world.
    I had multiple friends in the past, now they are a handful... and married...
    I was thinking whether I will be able to find a partner someday, have kids (wanting 2 to be exact).
    And all these thoughts used to make me very sad and depressed that now time changes but today... I feel detached. Like my emotions are elsewhere.
    Taken from me. I feel hollow. As if life just goes on and I am just existing here.
    Red pill is an interesting concept but to its core destructive.

    There was a quote that I remember from my past that whoever is not in love just exists on this planet and nothing more.
    For people that don't care about love and think it redundant I doubt it matters.
    But for people like me considering themselves the unlucky few it helluva matters!
    I truly believe that now I am just existing... not living!
    Ghost79 and modern milarepa like this.
  2. 1john4:4

    1john4:4 Fapstronaut

    Your life has meaning. Don't discount yourself.

    Every interaction you have, every moment you share with others affects people. Love provides an attachment, but you can affect people everyday. You create your value based on how you respond to your daily decisions.
    IbrahimViking and Improv3r like this.
  3. I'm struggling myself.

    I too, had plenty of friends in the past. Today, less than a few and mostly they live in other places. Intellectually we know its entirely possible to get new friends - people do that all the time in adult life. Yet beaten down by self-doubt and anxiety it is real hard to make the first moves. Some kind of depression results.

    In a way I think sex kind of has too much weighting in the thinking (that is why I guess most of us are on this site).
    Can you have a fulfilled successful life without it? Yes, that is so, although it is a trick of the brain to try and convince you it is not so.

    I too feel properly disillussioned with shit, and this isn't healthy as it makes me weak for PMO.

    If you want to change, also your mindset has to change.
    Improv3r likes this.
  4. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    That's true. We also need very little in order for something to turn around 180 for you in the long run. One moment and your whole life can change.
    Although it won't be as it was when we were kids nor when we were oblivious about what life was all about with all its struggles, problems and changes that happen each day.
  5. Sounds like you've been listening to Rollo Tomassi and Aaron Clarey. The red pill is destructive of our illusions. What each of us does as they are exposed is up to us. High value men get all the girls while the rest get scraps if anything at all. Welcome to the new world. Transform yourself into a high value man or leave the game behind. I don't see any other options.
    Derek78 likes this.
  6. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    how about living your life?
    I truly don't see what this "becoming a high value male" stuff is all about.
    Sounds like overcompensating for guys with low self-esteem to me.
    I think most guys should start having a better relationships with themselves before wanting to "improve",
    implying that you can't value what you already are enough.
  7. This sounds like splitting hairs or quibbling over language. The exact nature of the distinction between high value and low value men is open for discussion. That such a distinction exists, and that both women and men prefer one to the other, strikes me as self evident. Perhaps status is a better word than value but I imagine you’d post the same objection. Self improvement and living life aren’t mutually exclusive. Done right they are one in the same.
    Improv3r likes this.
  8. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I’ve felt like this before, actually quite a lot of times. All it takes is one girl to stick though. It could happen any day really, things randomly happen sometimes.
  9. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Self-esteem and status are not the same. Usually they are related, but not always. You can have a pretentious narcissist who is not successful in life. At all. And you can have a super successful person (financially, physically, etc.) with little to no self esteem or self concept. I believe what E31 is stating is that you should focus on the self-esteem component over the status component. Which I would agree, though there could be some healthy debate. After all, there are women who find confident yet poor or physically unattractive guys "attractive" <insert any sort of Romeo and Juliet Rom Com here> and women who find successful yet suppressive or abusive guys "attractive" (e.g. gold diggers). Is there a wide spectrum? Absolutely. The perfect male would be high status with good self esteem who treats a woman like a human being, not a trophy (clearly an opinion, of which we are all entitled to our own).
    But if I had to choose between the two, I would vote for the value placed on self and having others respect me for the value I place on myself rather than trying to create a potentially false sense of value in finances, physical attractiveness, etc. Easier said than done? Absolutely. But like I said, you can woo women either way. It all depends on the type of woman you're after. But my guess is most women want a man who can care for them emotionally as well as financially, with the heavier emphasis on the emotional. And how do you create emotional care? By having a high self worth and understanding that can pull others out of the pit of despair. How do you suffer? Most women want a man who can suffer well. Who can weather the storm. Finances, physique, etc. speak nothing into these things. They don't help you in stressful times as much as self esteem and self efficacy. However, those other things can help, as well.
    Long post, and I apologize. But I do not see them as the same.
    88991s and Vanquisher12 like this.
  10. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    But for the OP, I would say that you have plenty of worthwhile experiences and qualities that many women would find attractive. Starting your own business and creating a life that you ENJOY is awesome! Joy is contagious. And most people want to hang around a joyful person. So, the question becomes: what do women place value on? You can see the previous post for my vote. And I don't see women as being nearly as promiscuous and shallow as men. But I could be sadly mistaken. It is just my opinion.
    88991s and Improv3r like this.
  11. Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I think about some of the mistakes I've made in the past and all I can do is cringe.

    I'm in a similar situation. A lot of my past friends have done moved on with their lives in various ways. The few real life friends that I have left are more or less like me. They're in their early 30s, unmarried and childless, just like me.
    Improv3r likes this.
  12. My sense of self worth is connected to my sense of social position and personal accomplishment. For me those things can't be disentangled. Maybe others are different, but I doubt it. Maybe women don't care about those things, but I doubt that too. The guy is not wrong, you should just live your life. But if your life is primarily composed of porn, video games, and a job you don't like you should adjust your expectations accordingly. Either that or get down to the hard work of ongoing self-development I am always going on about.
    HitB likes this.
  13. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    There are good days and there are bad days. At times I feel like "what the heck, life goes on, it will turn up for the better soon".
    At other times I'm like "nah everything is just so boring and stale that I can't even care".
    But what I have found is that each time that I relapsed I was always feeling very very bad! Like to the point of disappointed with life in general.
    With each passing day new opportunities arise and everything can turn around so this week I am feeling good.
    Self improvement really goes a long way to make you feel good about yourself and start attracting new stuff in your life.
    Abel100%, HitB and Buddhism Is True like this.
  14. And yet this doesn't stop you. It didn't stop me. It doesn't stop any of us. More often than not the feelings of regret and resolve to change are just part of the addiction cycle. I think it is an open question as to what exactly it is that has to happen for a person to finally start taking the right actions that create traction in a life outside that cycle. Having put together half a year without porn for the first time since I was 13 (I am 38 now) I am still not sure exactly what it is that I did different. In fact, the real catalyst seems to have been external as I was forced by circumstances to acknowledge that my failures with women were part of a much larger pattern of behavior in my life. All I can say for sure is that I saw how porn was clouding the underlying realities of my actions and their results. Worse than clouding, projecting illusions that I believed were real. It is my sincerest hope that everyone on this board succeeds in breaking the cycle and changing their lives. That's why I post. That and it helps me see things more clearly for myself as I watch others play out the exact same patterns I did.
    takeaction21 and Improv3r like this.
  15. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Legit. I do think they are generally closely related. But there are times when they deviate. And your drive is very commendable--I'm sure there are women who would find that very attractive!

    Buddhism Is True and Improv3r like this.
  16. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    This is where I am confused where to draw the line though. Is it a placebo effect that you THINK NoFap is helping and you see results, or do you ACTUALLY change?
    Because when you think about it there are many factors that can potentially change almost anything in you.
    Your age, you getting wiser with time, experiences and way of life.
    Though I completely agree that when you feel that something is pulling you back that's probably the root cause of your issues.
  17. @Improv3r The benefits I have gotten have come from filling the space I used to fill with porn with other things. Sleep for one. It was not uncommon for me to look at porn until 2am and then show up to work exhausted the next day. I don't know anything about the supposed benefits of semen retention as I am not on hard mode. @modern milarepa is most vocal about his experience with that.

    Abandoning porn frees up time to do other things. I think its how each of us uses that free time that makes the difference.

    @HitB I'll think on that. I appreciate your support. If I ever find one of those women I am sure it will start coming through in my posts.
    HitB and Improv3r like this.
  18. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    It's literally been years since I've seen the post (probably 2015-2016), but there was a post by Underdog (or something like that...I don't remember the username) (and it may have been posted even earlier than that, but people kept referring to it). It was titled something like "NoFap won't fix your shitty life." I found that post very insightful. I couldn't find it right away, otherwise I would post it here (I'm feeling lazy, or drunk, or both...and don't care to look for it). In my opinion, you actually do change. Perhaps not due to NoFap, per se, but because you are committing to improving your life. Which in turn allows you to pursue more worthwhile endeavors outside of porn. Are there NoFap "superpowers?" I am doubtful actually. There could be, don't get me wrong. But I think the true value of NF is that it redirects your time and energy elsewhere, to more productive and worthwhile pursuits. And the more you improve, the less inclined you are to "escape" into PMO. There were times that I would spend literally hours a day (up to 4, I think) on PMO. Waste of time and life, my friend. Pursue something worthwhile. Don't throw your life away. Learn skills. Use them to solve problems in the world. Make the world a better place. Etc. You got this. Don't stop believin' <cues Journey's Don't Stop Believin'>
  19. Improv3r

    Improv3r Fapstronaut

    That last part made me chuckle! Hope and the "horizon" of change can be a powerful agent for sure but here's my two cents.

    I don't know if NF has superpowers. It all depends on how you feel internally and what you project. The first streak of 10 days I did I could feel I was almost omnipotent.
    While I was walking around the park I could see women turning heads and looking me in the eyes. Don't know if it is placebo but I felt it.
    Now I did 10 days again yet I don't feel the same way I did in the first time. It's like I know I am on SR but the "power" is missing. It's different this time.
    I don't know if it is because the body is now used to 10 days and you have to go for more the second time but nevertheless these are the facts.

    Productive and worthwhile pursuits in this day and age is a bit strange to say. Mainly for people that are not vaccinated or have green certificates.
    This is because we don't have anywhere else to go or do something. We have to stay at home and if there's anything productive to be done it's usually tied to a computer.
    Reading and stuff is nice but it will only get you that far in the world today...

    Escaping PMO was never my true intention. I was never an avid user. Even previously I only did it once or twice a week which is nothing.
    Yes sometimes during work time but if I wanted to I could be done in about 10 minutes max and get back to work so it wasn't that big a deal.
    I only do NF because I want to see the "hidden" perks in this. Some say better skin, more confidence, no brain fog etc.
    While I do agree I have no brain fog right now, more confidence is a bit subjective... because I am already at an age where how more confident can I be?
    I mean you are already going through life with a bit of an apathy about most stuff so this in turn can make you confident in what you are doing because you already did it before.
    I am not saying to have complete lack of motivation I mean that you don't particularly get fazed about anything really nowadays. Excluding special and rare cases.

    Sure I won't stop believing but actually doing that gets a bit harder as you go through life.
    Especially when you are confined in a beta mindset, red pilled and the world being in this state. Deep and tough thoughts...
  20. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Not sure I'm catching all you're throwing down, but I think I got the gist of it. I definitely think there's a placebo effect. I think that believing your life will get better causes you to act in ways that will make your life better...thereby making your life better (even if it's just being more attuned to the ladies and their perception of you). In terms of worthwhile pursuits, not all worthwhile pursuits need social interaction. Meditation for example. Heck, if I had several hours to burn, I'd meditate. People go on these weekend meditation retreats where all they do is meditate. For hours on end. It's insane, but it helps them. Altered Traits is a good book on meditation and it's benefits. I'd recommend it to anyone. You can also start an online business. Or learn any skill. YouTube is a treasure trove of knowledge. Hell, learn to juggle. Pick up some rocks and juggle. Any motor skill actually. Learn to ride a unicycle. The possibilities for worthwhile pursuits outside of PMO are endless. Even in the age of Covid. I can't believe you've done everything, no matter how old you are. There's always uncharted territory. Idk. I don't understand your last paragraph though. May be a little too deep for me. I'm just a simpleton, lol :)
    Improv3r likes this.