Day 88 the law of attraction at work

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Gm33, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Gm33

    Gm33 Fapstronaut

    Almost There!!!! I feel so damn good. I just finished a killer leg workout and am now eating breakfast. I have a wonderful view of Hollywood looking all the way to downtown Los Angeles. What a morning! After breakfast I’m getting all dressed up for an interview for a Television show. They want me for the entire season and I feel as though I already have it. There’s no nerves or anything. It’s just a sense of knowing. Being on this journey has brought me to this one conclusion. Success is not something you achieve, It’s something you attract. This is how the universe works. God works to and through you. Everything is in constant motion. You’re either creating or disintegrating there is no stagnation. When you stop fapping, you free up your time and potential for other things and it allows you to hone in on your creative faculties and bridge the gap between success and failure. Here’s the hard truth about nofap though. It’s simple, but not easy. The simplicity of abstaining for 90 days. It’s only 3 months. That’s a small price to pay for the lifetime of benefits you will receive on the other side. But what makes it hard is when you’re in the thick of it. Stuck in that moment when your mind is racing and urging you to crank dat soulja boy. To my men having a rough time with your urges let me leave you with this advice. “You’re in charge”!!!! All your brain wants is pleasure but take hold of your divine masculinity and go through the storm. Sail through it! Your ship WILL take damage but your ability to repair the boat is faster than the damage it sustains. You guys are all souls having a human experience. You’ve been sent here to do the work of the Gods which is to create. If you stop fapping, the universe will start whispering to you throughout the process and it will inform you of your purpose. This is where the fun begins.

    Your Boy,
    GoldenDreams and Mike G freeman like this.
  2. Fucking great feeling, right?
    In my job I have to do a LOT of presentations. In front of management members, in front of the whole staff, webinars, workshops, moderations etc.
    While I am a pretty charismatic person, I still struggled with my nerves everytime I was about to hold a speech or bigger presentation. Sometimes even a day or two before.

    But while on nofap: No nerves at all. I just KNOW I am going to nail it. I waltz into the room/zoom without having even looked at the slides I am going to present for days. I can hold long speeches and the words just pour out of me coherently, whereas when I am "the coomer", I have to think and focus hard what I am saying, which causes inevitable stuttering or pauses or "errrrm"s.

    I will never go back to porn. I would miss feeling like a god.
    Gm33 likes this.
  3. Gm33

    Gm33 Fapstronaut

    Same! Congratulations on experiencing true freedom.
  4. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    Did you have flatlines? I was feeling like a God from day 30-35. My flatlines have been so rough tho: days 36-43, 44-49, 52-55, 59-present(65)

    However, the days in between have been fucking amazing
  5. Gm33

    Gm33 Fapstronaut

    Just keep going. They will go away. Flatlines are now nonexistent. I am on day 89 hard mode. I recovered faster because I ran hard mode