Day 5 of healing - Urges are a tief (Afrikaans for bitch)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mathius, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. Mathius

    Mathius Fapstronaut

    Last night was quite difficult for me. As I said earlier, I only watched P, when it was late at night. Thus, last night I felt extreme discomfort.(Has anyone ever felt, as if their lower regions felt if they were going to explode or feel flooded?) I knew the urges were coming, so I took a cold shower. Still not so used to it, I get the shivers, but I am progessing. I also prayed, while showering. When I crawled into bed, the urges and images of P vids I watched were flooding my mind, but I gradually began to let these thoughts go. I read once on a website, that they say will power won't always help, which is true. However, ever since I have joined this site, I have kind of grown a small amount. Being honest, confessing and getting the surpport from people who have experienced the same things I have, have helped me. Yet, the urges (like we say in country for bitch) is a tief.
    Also, I hate how my moods can change, its so weird. Today I feel fine, but I have no idea how am going to be tomorrow.

    Well today we going to have a braai (a braai is like BBQ, but with more fire, I guess. Us South Africans don't like the term I will be spending time with my friends and family. Hopefully I won't get annoyed.
  2. GoPhonix

    GoPhonix Fapstronaut

    good luck you are on the right way as sad you learned by this site and learning about what P realy did to you brain is vital to even have glue how to overcome this go on and learn. This video just helped me to do my taggle the urges better: