Day 35 Benefits And Challenges

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheGr8Mattsby, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. TheGr8Mattsby

    TheGr8Mattsby Fapstronaut

    I have gained so much from reading current and older success stories - I find I always gravitate to the ones that list benefits - after all most of us are doing this to get something out of it, whether so called "super powers" really exist or not. I am currently on day 35 of hard mode - no porn or fapping. The longest I have gone without masturbation or porn for 20 years.

    I did experience a flat-line from perhaps Day 10 to Day 20. Horrible anxiety, insomnia, lethargy, depression and of course an overwhelming desire to use again.


    -Better able to concentrate and complete tasks
    -Insane bursts of energy (note that this tends to occur when urges are the strongest. If I am able to channel this energy I can get a lot done.)
    -Social anxiety much improved. I have always been a reticent and shy person so this is of course still the norm, but I am less shy than before.
    -Radiant skin and eyes. After a month I could definitely notice it - I'm not sure on the science behind this but it is definitely true.
    -Fuller hair - another one I was skeptical of. Before I started I was balding noticeably. I still have a recessive hairline but my hair is noticeably thicker around the bald spot. Really remarkable.
    -More motivation - let's be serious, as a man, much of what I do in the world is geared toward attracting a female and building a family. Pretty simple and to deny this is going against myriad examples in nature.

    All of these benefits are wonderful but I will say two things. My urges are still, in a word, explosive. It is pretty much a daily battle not to go back to PMO.

    The second thing I want to mention is that PMO is absolutely a way to mask other problems or issues in your life that it's easier not to deal with. Once you stop the anxiety, hurt, shame, etc. will come back with a vengeance. This in the long run is a good thing, and has to be dealt with, but it is anything but easy.
    Klenton, TheFlash123, 707out and 8 others like this.
  2. Very true what you are saying! Well done! Keep it up!!
  3. Mighty83

    Mighty83 New Fapstronaut

    Well done, keep it up!
  4. Pucchiji

    Pucchiji Fapstronaut

  5. muuuuurph

    muuuuurph New Fapstronaut

  6. StoneyTrevor

    StoneyTrevor Fapstronaut

    Great job keep those experiences and enjoy them!