Day 3 humbled and very motivated

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Rebootking101, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Rebootking101

    Rebootking101 New Fapstronaut

    Whats up NoFap community just want to start off by saying this isnt my first attempt at a streak to be honest this is probably like my 5th or 6th time trying. The longest I've ever gotten was about 18 days strong but for some reason i always fail. To give you a little bit of info on what type of person i am basically i went from the most social person in my group to completely insecure about myself in the past 2 years. The main reason for this was because i used to smoke 3-4 times daily for about 4 years now. It became so bad that i lost 25 pounds and looked like a skeleton in clothes lol. I would rather spend money on weed than food and it affected me greatly later on. Now i have nothing against weed i still smoke to this day just way less and i mean once or even twice a week if i even feel like it willpower is super important nowadays and thats a major difference from what my life was before. Anyways due to all this heavy smoking i became very insecure about myself i was very skinny, had no input on anything legit wouldn't speak around others became socially awkward, anxious, and overall a bit paranoid at times. Just a quick tip if you aren't doing good in life as far as no job, no car, no motivation then you shouldn't be smoking go get a bag :emoji_moneybag:then waste that on whatever the fuck you want. But as long as your a loser and not being productive with your life then stop smoking it wont solve any problems it'll keep you stagnant and only make you think about how depressing your life is that goes for any drug too. Now lets talk about PMO. Ive been watching porn for about 10+ years and let me tell you if you dont think constant porn use doesn't affect your brain or desensitize you to real life then your borderline retarted. (No offense) Anyways the reason im saying this is cause i used to beat off every fuckin day like my life depended on it lmao. Over time the same feeling i got after i was burnt out from smoking too much i would get if i beat off alot and add that together and your a complete sack of shit or an emotionless shell. I remember one time i couldnt get hard on command and i legit almost started to cry lmao. But forreal after a while i just felt like whatever energy i had left i would waste by beating off and i knew something had to change. I was super emotionless and for a while i just felt nothing its almost like i couldn't make genuine connections or enjoy conversations with my family and friends i just felt empty and very depressed all the time. These last few months i can say that going to therapy and quitting weed for a bit has helped me gain everything i originally lost. My confidence is back again and alot of my social problems and anxiety have dissapeared too i truly feel blessed. So lately I've been beating off just not as much as before and i chilled with this girl i know and got some action. So after all of this i watched porn and it just wasn't the same i hit her up again and told her i wanted to chill so she came over and long story short i destroyed her ;) and this time i had no issues with staying solid if you catch my drift lol . Haha ive never felt better about my life and myself im actually happy with how ive been living lately and my overall mindset. I've realized something you can watch as much porn as you want but ultimately maybe porn is just something we use to cope with how lonely we are or problems that we have. Honestly though if you look at it from a diffrent perspective porn doesnt seem to have as much of a hold as you thought it did. Im on day 3 right now and for some reason im more motivated this time around i already went through my own recovery with drugs and am still working towards the best version of myself. Hopefully i start to see the overall benefits NoFap creates i know in time i will be the man i am meant to be and NoFap is just a ladder of success to getting there hopefully this story will inspire people struggling with any issues. We all face different battles at some points in our lives but our will ultimately determines how strong we actually are so dont give up. And if anyone has any feedback be sure to drop some that would be dope also any stratagies on not breaking streaks? Staying proactive while on NoFap ? or if you can relate to this drop some feedback much appreciated and stay blessed:emoji_pray::emoji_raised_hands: