1. Reboot positive

    Reboot positive Fapstronaut

    Day 21 of me rebooting from PMO and i can honestly tell you this is probably the best i have felt in quite a long time, the energy i have to more less get and go is more present and there and it feels great. Also to me anyway my voice sounds deeper too. I am much more willing to communicate with others and complete day to day tasks and activities, these physical attributes really just go back to investing ones sexual energy in a activity or anything in ones life that will be productive.

    However this week i have had 2 wetdreams, i think this is the first time i have had 2 wet dreams in one week, i think i am expiernceing withdrawal symptoms however on learning that it is just a natural process for varied reasons in my case ( Body adjusting to life without PMO, Chemicals in brain rebalancing after unhealthy PMOing for so long, getting rid of excess fluid that would been ejaculated though wrongful PMO, Brain trying to get a bit of dopamine the way it use to etc) overall there are different reasons some may agree or disagree but in having those wet dreams maybe its down to what ive researched and so behaived differently when it happened but havent gone and relapsed like i probably would of done in the past besides when i had a wet dream it didnt feel like a relapse it felt like i had ejaculated and then i would go on with my day with the mental and physical benefits i have picked along the way of No PMOing.

    Overal i feel great and positive and exciment about life through no longer PMOing and using my time and energy to do productive and self improving mental and physical activities i hope my post will be of great benefit and inspiration to fellow Nofappers

    I will be keep you updated
    All the best
    Reboot Positive
    Tonytone likes this.
  2. Tonytone

    Tonytone Fapstronaut

    Awesome progress, brother! I finally went 7 days for only the 2nd time since I started in Sept. I'm looking forward to 21 days and beyond!!
  3. Reboot positive

    Reboot positive Fapstronaut

    You can do it. One of the helping defining factors is to invest your time and sexual energy into something that would be either mentally or physically productive in you life, especially when you begin to feel urgers or sexual tensions that may feel unbearable, remember PMO is not the answer to those feelings or emotions ( Its a call for REAL interaction not pornographic satisfaction) or you can use it as a opputunity to do a physical activity such as intense exersice, walks etc.

    Hope this advise helped
    Reboot Positive
    Tonytone likes this.
  4. Tonytone

    Tonytone Fapstronaut

    Thank you, brother. I've been taking positive steps toward my reboot!
    2525 likes this.
  5. funnymanbing

    funnymanbing New Fapstronaut

    I have not even had a single Nightfall :(((((